Reps who sold Diovan


Were the ones who kept this company afloat
For so many years And allowed the others to sell
The current mediocrity. Those Reps are the ones
Who should stay. We are the ones who can turn
This floundering company around !!!!

A monkey could sell Diovan. I sold Diovan as well as the other drugs. Diovan success was a result of "share of voice" which can be blamed for the large downsizing coming up.

A monkey could sell Diovan. I sold Diovan as well as the other drugs. Diovan success was a result of "share of voice" which can be blamed for the large downsizing coming up.

Don't forget the criminal and unethical practices from bribery to offlabel promo Novamafia has used. After all they paid over 1/2 billion in fines and still more coming. When company is so crooked and criminal offering to greese the wheels, anyone can sell their shit.
So don't bag this fucker co for your lousy jobs, take it as real person and walk away, you'll be glad it happened to you.
There is very good (far better) life after and beyond Vasellagangland. Yes take from them as much as you possibly can and if you were smart & collected evidence on their crimes, go to good law firm, DOJ and realy fuck them. They deserve it and you have every right to do it to them. After all look how many of you they are "doing" to.
It is those who will stay that will suffer.

Don't forget the criminal and unethical practices from bribery to offlabel promo Novamafia has used. After all they paid over 1/2 billion in fines and still more coming. When company is so crooked and criminal offering to greese the wheels, anyone can sell their shit.
So don't bag this fucker co for your lousy jobs, take it as real person and walk away, you'll be glad it happened to you.
There is very good (far better) life after and beyond Vasellagangland. Yes take from them as much as you possibly can and if you were smart & collected evidence on their crimes, go to good law firm, DOJ and realy fuck them. They deserve it and you have every right to do it to them. After all look how many of you they are "doing" to.
It is those who will stay that will suffer.


i once made $18000 selling diovan in a single trimester. ah diovan, i will miss you

Did you sell Diovan or did you "sell" Diovan. First is the usual BS to docs along with bribery etc to have them Rx the shit. Second, "sell" is selling it to crooked pharmacists at certain percentage of wholesaler's price. Bet you did the "sell" thus you will miss it so much. Imagine "selling $200K in lose pills for at least $100 cold hard cash. No cost no tax. Now that what I call "selling" Diovan for good "bonuses".
Ps: figure out how much samles you got over years of Diovan pushing. You could have "sold" easily half of that if not more with other POD guys samling like crazy so you did not have to.
If you did this, you are a hero for you stole from stealers, the Novamafia family. Remember for now and future; it is not a sin to sin against the sinners. And there is no honour amongst the thiefs.

Whoever thinks that Diovan was a "cake walk" obviously didn't launch it, or sold it in a large pod setting where they relied on SOV. Those who got in early on Diovan truly know the fight we had on our hands. Value study showed no value, Valiant showed no benefit when added to ACE, ValHeft had a triple combo warning when used w/ ace and BB. Tons of bashing from competition early on. Share of voice did not get us through these obstacles with our specialists and certain PCP's. If you think different, you are highly mistaken.

Whoever thinks that Diovan was a "cake walk" obviously didn't launch it, or sold it in a large pod setting where they relied on SOV. Those who got in early on Diovan truly know the fight we had on our hands. Value study showed no value, Valiant showed no benefit when added to ACE, ValHeft had a triple combo warning when used w/ ace and BB. Tons of bashing from competition early on. Share of voice did not get us through these obstacles with our specialists and certain PCP's. If you think different, you are highly mistaken.

Given a huge budget, it helped move business greasing your doctors.

Don't forget that Novartis contracted with nearly 500 PDI reps to promote Diovan for two years back in 2002-2004. Without PDI's assistance Novartis and Diovan would have been toast a lot sooner!