report to compliance or whistle blow

Talk to a lawyer first!! I know first hand.. When you go to compliance, YOUR time starts ticking away.. They only look out for Forest Management and up, not the average rep (or in my case the 2 time pc rep).

Is a call to report a compliance issue with managers in the southeast kept private. Does anyone know? Or should I go directly to a lawyer?

Forest is very nervous right now with all that is going on and just may take the reps more serious than ever before. If you report to HR you have a layer of protection called retaliation. Why not report annonymously and see what happens.

If you have enough hard evidence you can report directly to the OIG (Office of the Inspector General) and they might open a whistleblower lawsuit investigation. You would remain annonymous if nothing was discovered but if they found enough to proceed, you would be rich.

Go for it - go to OIG website and start the paperwork.

Forest is very nervous right now with all that is going on and just may take the reps more serious than ever before. If you report to HR you have a layer of protection called retaliation. Why not report annonymously and see what happens.

If you have enough hard evidence you can report directly to the OIG (Office of the Inspector General) and they might open a whistleblower lawsuit investigation. You would remain annonymous if nothing was discovered but if they found enough to proceed, you would be rich.

Go for it - go to OIG website and start the paperwork.

DO NOT go to HR. The SE leadership is not to be trusted right now. Management on all levels is involved in shady dealings that have caused multiple good reps to hire attorneys. Go outside of the company with documentation and do not tell anyone you work with about it. You never know who will pass info on.

DO NOT go to HR. The SE leadership is not to be trusted right now. Management on all levels is involved in shady dealings that have caused multiple good reps to hire attorneys. Go outside of the company with documentation and do not tell anyone you work with about it. You never know who will pass info on.

I'm not sure what an attorney would do other than start a whistleblowers lawsuit and that's if there's enough evidence. If there's enough evidence why not get the FDA involved.

Unless this is something SERIOUS, and I mean HUGE violation serious - think very carefully about what you are doing. You can and will end people's careers by going to compliance. If people are fired over this, they will not likely get jobs in pharma again. Fact. And who outside of pharma considers pharma "real sales"? NO ONE.

Do you want an entire family living with little kids on unemployment, all because you ran to compliance?

Karma is real. Think about it. There's no reason to purposely try to get people in trouble.

Have you gone to the managers directly and discussed your concerns? There are other ways you can consider first to try to deal with these situations instead of immediately running to HR or compliance. Talk to the RST, or Specialty Reps if you don't feel like you can talk to the managers. Have them intervene on your behalf. Do everything you can think of before going to compliance.

At least then you can say you tried handling it yourself and if it doesn't work, then go up the chain. But skipping the steps....that just wreaks of "I'm going to try to get my DM fired."

It will not be kept private. There are identifiers about who filed the complaint that are blatantly obvious that will be shared with the DM once the investigation starts.

The DM will tell the RD and all of their peers who they suspect made the complaint and it will get around to everyone on the management team. You will not move up in the organization. Who wants to work with a tattle-tale?

Again, think very carefully about what you are doing. This all seems like a great idea at the time - but you are playing with fire.

It will not be kept private. There are identifiers about who filed the complaint that are blatantly obvious that will be shared with the DM once the investigation starts.

The DM will tell the RD and all of their peers who they suspect made the complaint and it will get around to everyone on the management team. You will not move up in the organization. Who wants to work with a tattle-tale?

Again, think very carefully about what you are doing. This all seems like a great idea at the time - but you are playing with fire.

100% correct.

I was "Anonymous" and recieved a call from my RD within 2 days, then put on letter of concern within 1 week, followed by probation, and so on.. Funny how "Anonymous" at Forest means "All Management Must Know". They just want to get all Whistle Blowers out, because you know whats up.

Unless this is something SERIOUS, and I mean HUGE violation serious - think very carefully about what you are doing. You can and will end people's careers by going to compliance. If people are fired over this, they will not likely get jobs in pharma again. Fact. And who outside of pharma considers pharma "real sales"? NO ONE.

Do you want an entire family living with little kids on unemployment, all because you ran to compliance?"

Management doesn't seem to have a problem sending reps to the unemployment line...whether they have a family or not. They make up BS FTEs everyday in order to start "the process". How many careers have been ruined and families put at a disadvantage all because management pushed someone out. So, if the accusation is legit, GO FOR IT!

Unless this is something SERIOUS, and I mean HUGE violation serious - think very carefully about what you are doing. You can and will end people's careers by going to compliance. If people are fired over this, they will not likely get jobs in pharma again. Fact. And who outside of pharma considers pharma "real sales"? NO ONE.

Do you want an entire family living with little kids on unemployment, all because you ran to compliance?

Karma is real. Think about it. There's no reason to purposely try to get people in trouble.

Have you gone to the managers directly and discussed your concerns? There are other ways you can consider first to try to deal with these situations instead of immediately running to HR or compliance. Talk to the RST, or Specialty Reps if you don't feel like you can talk to the managers. Have them intervene on your behalf. Do everything you can think of before going to compliance.

At least then you can say you tried handling it yourself and if it doesn't work, then go up the chain. But skipping the steps....that just wreaks of "I'm going to try to get my DM fired."

While it's nice to find someone with a conscience here, Forest DM's don't give a crap about you or your family so why should anybody care about them? I say "fuck Forest and the horse they rode in on" and quite honestly; it would be a better place to work at if 90% of the managers were gone.

Unless this is something SERIOUS, and I mean HUGE violation serious - think very carefully about what you are doing. You can and will end people's careers by going to compliance. If people are fired over this, they will not likely get jobs in pharma again. Fact. And who outside of pharma considers pharma "real sales"? NO ONE.

Do you want an entire family living with little kids on unemployment, all because you ran to compliance?

Karma is real. Think about it. There's no reason to purposely try to get people in trouble.

Have you gone to the managers directly and discussed your concerns? There are other ways you can consider first to try to deal with these situations instead of immediately running to HR or compliance. Talk to the RST, or Specialty Reps if you don't feel like you can talk to the managers. Have them intervene on your behalf. Do everything you can think of before going to compliance.

At least then you can say you tried handling it yourself and if it doesn't work, then go up the chain. But skipping the steps....that just wreaks of "I'm going to try to get my DM fired."

First, do NOT go to the COMPLIANCE department about ANYTHING. "they" are not really "trained" in complaince, and are merely there to turn right around to your DM, the RD, and immediately start paperwork to get you OUT. TRUST ME. ALSO< SO NOT GO TO YOUR RST or SPECIALTY REPS, go to NOONE in the company about it. DO go to a lawyer. If you go to HR ONLY go to HR with a written letter if you have been asked to do illegal things, and that you refuse/d to participate in them, and that you expect not to receive retaliation in return for not doing them. You are doing this for documentary purposes only. This is because HR is there to protect the company, not you. Expect immediate reaction to your detriment when doing so, but at least you have in writing that you notified the company. I would see the attorney before doing any of this though, and pronto.

Is a call to report a compliance issue with managers in the southeast kept private. Does anyone know? Or should I go directly to a lawyer?

If it is a serious violation, then it won't be kept quiet. Talk with an attorney only if you are sure you have a case. Been there, done that. It depends on the state you are in as well. Unfortunately, you can't trust HR or any of the mgrs. If the person has had numerous calls about them, it should throw up a red flag to HR, but then again, who knows?!!