Repiclick adjustments / vouchers


Sell on the vouchers, sell on the vouchers. Stop the vouchers (Sep 19 ). Everyone gonna make a kicker with these goals. Oh snap, Ol Smokey gonna fuck you again. it was HORDESHIT from the beginning . They new exactly how they were going to fuck us with the goal / voucher BS. if you are inner circle you get adjusted less, if you stand up to Roller Disco you get fucked.

This has been explained, and we knew it was coming. You are just pissed because you can no longer get credit for giving away free medicine, and now other territories that have more profitable business are getting credit for that and will beat your ass. Learn to sell and quit whining.

You mean the lucky territories that actually have formulary coverage can benefit and the people with no coverage are fucked with unobtainable goals. Best sales reps in the country can't do shit if it's not covered.

What exactly is it that R.A.M.'s do? Give you vague answers why your coverage is terrible? K.O. in NorCal is the worst!! Before I changed divisions he was my RM and was joke! Never went in the field and now he's found the perfect job for him to hide and do nothing