Repair plan for Merck: Start moving the VPs, DCOs and CTLs out of the company NOW!!


this place is a trainwreck....

but when you read any Wall Street report on Merck, things look so bright I have
to wear shades...they talk about the robust pipeline, great dividend, emerging markets,

Huge disconnect from the reality of Merck...they must pay people off to place those
stories online and in the financial propaganda...

Merck upper managment needs to be replaced ASAP instead of driving the sales force
out of the company with their Nazi cult tactics...



Re: Repair plan for Merck: Start moving the VPs, DCOs and CTLs out of the company NOW

another possibility: are we, the reps, clueless?

Is Merck's financial picture (i.e., overall, world-wide) much better than we think it is?

Re: Repair plan for Merck: Start moving the VPs, DCOs and CTLs out of the company NOW

You missed the right ones to get rid of. The VPs on down only do what they are told to do. You need to replace the upper tier above them with some leaders that know what is going on and have the sense to get Merck on the road to recovery. If the presidents on up are not replaced with good, knowledgeable leaders who understand business then it won't be long before the company will be bankrupt.

Re: Repair plan for Merck: Start moving the VPs, DCOs and CTLs out of the company NOW

You missed the right ones to get rid of. The VPs on down only do what they are told to do. You need to replace the upper tier above them with some leaders that know what is going on and have the sense to get Merck on the road to recovery. If the presidents on up are not replaced with good, knowledgeable leaders who understand business then it won't be long before the company will be bankrupt.

true dat...but when I wrote the post, that was sort of a given that Frazier, the BOD, should all be replaced...

Merck is like a soiled rag that needs to be washed with hot water, detergent and bleach...

that still might not get the rot out of this place...


Re: Repair plan for Merck: Start moving the VPs, DCOs and CTLs out of the company NOW

You missed the right ones to get rid of. The VPs on down only do what they are told to do. You need to replace the upper tier above them with some leaders that know what is going on and have the sense to get Merck on the road to recovery. If the presidents on up are not replaced with good, knowledgeable leaders who understand business then it won't be long before the company will be bankrupt.

It's a good start to "eliminate the redundancy". If they eliminated the babysitters, and distributed the money as motivation and positive work environment, they could potentially see our company excell. Power to the little guy!
Mr. 15x 15 might have a different outlook on this company if he felt valued and rewarded for his contribution.

Re: Repair plan for Merck: Start moving the VPs, DCOs and CTLs out of the company NOW

It's a good start to "eliminate the redundancy". If they eliminated the babysitters, and distributed the money as motivation and positive work environment, they could potentially see our company excell. Power to the little guy!
Mr. 15x 15 might have a different outlook on this company if he felt valued and rewarded for his contribution.

How does this play out right now? With all the bonus screwing and well earned raises and promotions being held back and denied the little guys feel used, abused and victimized.... and for good reason.

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