What's the average tenure of a PBS rep? Also, how many reps have left in the last 3 months?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Feb 01, 2012 at 08:38: PM #1 Anonymous Guest What's the average tenure of a PBS rep? Also, how many reps have left in the last 3 months?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Feb 02, 2012 at 08:22: AM #2 Anonymous Guest More than half the sales force.. Plus 4 new hires in Q4 left in January take the hint and run.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Feb 09, 2012 at 06:39: PM #3 Anonymous Guest I interviewed with this company. After reading these threads, I am SO glad I didn't get an offer!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Feb 12, 2012 at 07:20: PM #4 Anonymous Guest What area/territory did you interview for?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Feb 13, 2012 at 07:08: PM #6 Anonymous Guest Wait a minute... call us back! FL rep just left! We have an offer for you!!
anonymous Guest anonymous   Apr 30, 2018 at 07:13: PM #7 anonymous Guest The new vp Kim Staples or should we say Kim McKee Staples earned her title sleeping her way up her resume with anyone and everyone at each company along the way what a laugh she has that title
The new vp Kim Staples or should we say Kim McKee Staples earned her title sleeping her way up her resume with anyone and everyone at each company along the way what a laugh she has that title