Rep of the Future


rep of the future are going to be much fewer and farther between. They are going to greatly decrease the number of folks out there doing sales calls and they are going to have huge territories. The ROI decline on reps has dictated this and the consultants have formalized it. Age will work against the new rep as they are going to need alot of energy to cover those kind of territories.

Multichannel marketing will help with large geographies and low access. Whether its an increase in e-marketing, tele, skype, email, youtube, facebook, linkedin, or other non traditional marketing measures, most corporations including Novartis are going to reallocate budget from the sales teams back to product and marketing teams. Each region has betasites where an increase in multichannel marketing is being conducted. Some of you may have samples being shipped directly to targets. In SOC territories and in other companies, reps have been totally eliminated and replaced by csr's and a sci ops consultant directed bythe mcm dept. we are not there YET. It makes more sense to access docs through these means than to send a rep to an office for a 30 sec stand up if they are lucky. As docs realize they have to take a phone call or repy to an email for samples, acceptance and more so Compliance will increase to this type of interaction. There are teams being put together that are going to be subtly marketing this model internally and within the industry. The way of the Jedi is vanishing my friends. Prepare.

Hopefully this type of rep will possess something that 99% of Novartis reps do not have.... Talent.

So what you are saying is that hiring managers , regional managers & the entire sales management structure made mistakes 99% of the time when they hired reps.

Sounds like problem with management cronyism & general incompetence .

Thanks for pointing it out now.
What's the solution to eliminate all these incompetent managers ??

When the money is's "Share of Voice" (more reps more "voice")

When the money is's "rep of the future" (fewer reps, more tech)

It's a consultants way of selling the market what it wants to hear.

So what you are saying is that hiring managers , regional managers & the entire sales management structure made mistakes 99% of the time when they hired reps.

Sounds like problem with management cronyism & general incompetence .

Thanks for pointing it out now.
What's the solution to eliminate all these incompetent managers ??

Great point ! Any business owner would eliminate
90% of the bloated useless administrative / management
Positions but unfortunatly these very revenue parasites are
Masters of self preservation

Multichannel marketing will help with large geographies and low access. Whether its an increase in e-marketing, tele, skype, email, youtube, facebook, linkedin, or other non traditional marketing measures, most corporations including Novartis are going to reallocate budget from the sales teams back to product and marketing teams. Each region has betasites where an increase in multichannel marketing is being conducted. Some of you may have samples being shipped directly to targets. In SOC territories and in other companies, reps have been totally eliminated and replaced by csr's and a sci ops consultant directed bythe mcm dept. we are not there YET. It makes more sense to access docs through these means than to send a rep to an office for a 30 sec stand up if they are lucky. As docs realize they have to take a phone call or repy to an email for samples, acceptance and more so Compliance will increase to this type of interaction. There are teams being put together that are going to be subtly marketing this model internally and within the industry. The way of the Jedi is vanishing my friends. Prepare.

Yeah right...just because a few big pharma co's might try this, don't think docs are going to do this. 2 reps per day, one in am, one in pm. one co per week. simple as that. As if a doc has time to Skype, e detail or whatever else these marketing "genius' " have up there sleeve.

already happening in my territory. nobody is going to tell you your territory has been chosen for the emails, phone calls, etc to docs. take a look at your activities under certain doctors and you will see that it is entered just as if a call by a rep were made.

With the changing of the pharma rep enviorment it will benefit companies like Novartis to hire companies that supply "rent-a-rep".

It is cheaper to have these types of reps because Novartis won't have the high salaries, health care costs, cars, and other benefits too pay.

With all the constraints in todays sales calls it is also insulates Novartis from any wrongdoing since these reps do not report to Novartis and aren't employees of the company.

Since we now drop off samplers and do an occasional lunch their is no need to keep an expensive sales force. Employee costs are the most expensive for any company so you will see more and more pharma comapnies go this route in the future.

Novartis is still actionable with the "rent a reps", ie; this does not "protect" Novartis of wrongdoing since it's their products and they have the responsibility of how they are presented.

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