Rep Cars?


What cars do reps drive here? Spoke to an internal recruiter and he mentioned Teslas and Volvos. True? I’ve been around long enough to know that recruiters will say anything.


What cars do reps drive here? Spoke to an internal recruiter and he mentioned Teslas and Volvos. True? I’ve been around long enough to know that recruiters will say anything.

No more Volvos. Current selector is a Tesla or a Hyundai Tucson hybrid. But unless you are an expansion territory, you will get whatever the last rep drove or another used vehicle and will have to wait out the lease

What cars do reps drive here? Spoke to an internal recruiter and he mentioned Teslas and Volvos. True? I’ve been around long enough to know that recruiters will say anything.
You won’t get a new car in cv. The turnover is so high right now you will get an old car the previous rep is walking away from. Most drive Teslas. If you are joining cv, dont get too comfortable as layoffs are right around the corner.

Just know your entire job will be to hit metrics (not sales), then talk about metrics, then hit metrics, then talk about then again. If you get a typically stupid Novartis target list with mostly no see targets, your manager will encourage you with a nod and a wink to “hit metrics” anyway. If you happen to be a high performer and hit the insane sales goals like I do, literally NO ONE will even notice. If you blow your numbers out of the water, you will get a modest bonus check and you better keep quiet about it, because most of your peers got nothing. I’ve been in this industry a long time and it’s the most negative culture I’ve ever seen. A Corvette wouldn’t make this place worth it. Just waiting for a severance.

Just know your entire job will be to hit metrics (not sales), then talk about metrics, then hit metrics, then talk about then again. If you get a typically stupid Novartis target list with mostly no see targets, your manager will encourage you with a nod and a wink to “hit metrics” anyway. If you happen to be a high performer and hit the insane sales goals like I do, literally NO ONE will even notice. If you blow your numbers out of the water, you will get a modest bonus check and you better keep quiet about it, because most of your peers got nothing. I’ve been in this industry a long time and it’s the most negative culture I’ve ever seen. A Corvette wouldn’t make this place worth it. Just waiting for a severance.

this is accurate. I will add -if you do achieve (as stated above) not only will your abl/RD not care, people will come out of the woodwork to take credit for your work because your only job is metrics. But also if you hit all your metrics and your sales suck everything is your fault and you must be coached. Novartis has hit an all time morale low. Love my Tesla though

Just know your entire job will be to hit metrics (not sales), then talk about metrics, then hit metrics, then talk about then again. If you get a typically stupid Novartis target list with mostly no see targets, your manager will encourage you with a nod and a wink to “hit metrics” anyway. If you happen to be a high performer and hit the insane sales goals like I do, literally NO ONE will even notice. If you blow your numbers out of the water, you will get a modest bonus check and you better keep quiet about it, because most of your peers got nothing. I’ve been in this industry a long time and it’s the most negative culture I’ve ever seen. A Corvette wouldn’t make this place worth it. Just waiting for a severance.
Is this specific to CV or is this the reality in Onc and Rheum as well?

Just know your entire job will be to hit metrics (not sales), then talk about metrics, then hit metrics, then talk about then again. If you get a typically stupid Novartis target list with mostly no see targets, your manager will encourage you with a nod and a wink to “hit metrics” anyway. If you happen to be a high performer and hit the insane sales goals like I do, literally NO ONE will even notice. If you blow your numbers out of the water, you will get a modest bonus check and you better keep quiet about it, because most of your peers got nothing. I’ve been in this industry a long time and it’s the most negative culture I’ve ever seen. A Corvette wouldn’t make this place worth it. Just waiting for a severance.

This is 100% correct. You can hit your goals and still make no money.

This is 100% correct. You can hit your goals and still make no money.

I cannot emphasize strongly enough how toxic the CV franchise and how weak the leadership. Anyone considering a job should run. Even if you are desperate. There’s a reason there are so many openings - it’s because after years of very little turnover people are leaving. Not only do you not get bonuses for goal achievement you have to listen to them tell you to work harder for patients over and over again.

Is this specific to CV or is this the reality in Onc and Rheum as well?

C.V. is district goaling.
It doesn't make a goddamn bit of difference if you've pulled one syringe since launch, if some psycho on your team is still going 100 m.p.h. and getting business, you'll get paid for it.
It is, hands down, the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my 20+ years in this industry, and there's no timetable set to actually change it to an accountability-based job.
Virtually everyone has "quiet quit", and nobody leaves the house more than a few times a week.
It's beyond your wildest imagination how systemically fucked up this division is.
I'd say take the job so you'll have stories to tell the rest of your career.

C.V. is district goaling.
It doesn't make a goddamn bit of difference if you've pulled one syringe since launch, if some psycho on your team is still going 100 m.p.h. and getting business, you'll get paid for it.
It is, hands down, the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my 20+ years in this industry, and there's no timetable set to actually change it to an accountability-based job.
Virtually everyone has "quiet quit", and nobody leaves the house more than a few times a week.
It's beyond your wildest imagination how systemically fucked up this division is.
I'd say take the job so you'll have stories to tell the rest of your career.
“Some psycho on your team going 100 mpg.” Lol that made my day

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