Reorganization of D&R

Have everyone report directly to the project managers that are working on development projects. This will make people accountable for getting a product out the door.

Just get rid of the whole thing and go to a third party. It would be cheaper than having a D&R plus licensing other products. Besivance=licensed from Insite Vision, Zirgan=licensed from Sirion, Plasmin=licensed from Bayer. All "new" recent products have been sourced from outside B+L, so why even bother with an in-house lab that just plows fallow soil all day long?

Getting rid of the whole thing make sense. It is quite the drag on the company to keep such a high cost group. The alternative would be to completely change the management of this group in order to assure a culture change and the spark of new initiatives.

Keeping the current management will just assure more of the same. No performance, lack of insight into which projects will succeed and make money in the marketplace, few FDA approvals and no new technological advances other than what is licensed from other companies. No D&R or a totally different D&R would make since at this point in the game.

I guess the main issue is the D&R management has been directing B+L down the path of working on projects that look good on their resumes rather than what was good for the company. Keeping the current D&R management you can expect more of the same.

Dam their resumes look good. Too bad we have nothing to sell for all the money invested in their resume development

I guess the main issue is the D&R management has been directing B+L down the path of working on projects that look good on their resumes rather than what was good for the company. Keeping the current D&R management you can expect more of the same.

Dam their resumes look good. Too bad we have nothing to sell for all the money invested in their resume development

If their resumes looked that good they would be long gone: They're just LOSERS occupying space until Fred jettisons it all!

It is not that people are not working hard. It is that people are working on the wrong things. So many people are working on things that are not relevant to getting a product approved by the FDA.

If we took the people working on stupid stuff and added them to the people working on real projects we could get things done twice as fast.