

Is renal the only safe group? Sign on and retention bonus??How much? Company car options or company cars? Recruiter istight lipped. Any thoughts?
I understand some of the other areas were treated unfairly...why? Buyout?

If you have that many questions - you had better not pursue. Total train wreck of a company, drug & management. But then if you don":t know any better come on aboard - the pressure will chew you up and spit you out in 18 months - its your life.

Is renal the only safe group? Sign on and retention bonus??How much? Company car options or company cars? Recruiter istight lipped. Any thoughts?
I understand some of the other areas were treated unfairly...why? Buyout?

been here for 8 months...couldnt be a nicer company...great cars in the ARD division..I have an Explorer. great boss and bonus..drug is hard to sell...but worth it.

And this spares you in what way and for how long? Be patient friend i've seen some very low handed things all in the name of shareholder value and sorry to say your explorer regardless of any sales records you may be breaking ( no sarcasm here I truly hope you are setting records) is not contributing. When MT makes a plea to do your calls via skype it's not a good sign.

Is renal the only safe group? Sign on and retention bonus??How much? Company car options or company cars? Recruiter istight lipped. Any thoughts?
I understand some of the other areas were treated unfairly...why? Buyout?

Being renamed the anal group because it give every rep a pain in the ass.