Remember the day we were told Cadence would never be bought?


We were emphatically told this because of the length of our patent..blah blah blah. I clearly remember those days and laughed inside then and now. Mallickrodt will be purchased by Mylan. These generic companies have no interest in keeping everyone long term. Just watch.

It just goes to show you that you cannot trust anyone in management no matter how close you think your relationship is. In the end everyone of these guys made a ton of money and all they care about is us busting our ass everyday to drive the share price. That's just the way it is. If Mylan buys Mallinckrodt it will be a blood bath but someone has to sell Ofirmev. We may just be to pricey for them. They won't pay what we make now. It will definitely time to run!

It just goes to show you that you cannot trust anyone in management no matter how close you think your relationship is. In the end everyone of these guys made a ton of money and all they care about is us busting our ass everyday to drive the share price. That's just the way it is. If Mylan buys Mallinckrodt it will be a blood bath but someone has to sell Ofirmev. We may just be to pricey for them. They won't pay what we make now. It will definitely time to run!

Yeah, I'm sure you bust your ass everyday. What a liar.

It just goes to show you that you cannot trust anyone in management no matter how close you think your relationship is. In the end everyone of these guys made a ton of money and all they care about is us busting our ass everyday to drive the share price. That's just the way it is. If Mylan buys Mallinckrodt it will be a blood bath but someone has to sell Ofirmev. We may just be to pricey for them. They won't pay what we make now. It will definitely time to run!

Ignore the idiot who commented was either management or a douche that doesn't work. I totally agree with you. I bust my ass working everyday and now our bonus is the worst plan I have ever had, including primary care.

For those that don't believe it, just save this message. It's the beginning of the end. First the bonus goes and they they will filter out all the high paid salaries. You are right. They don't care. The best example is our wonderful past CEO. He is a piece of crap and walks away with millions and millions of dollars. They don't give a crap about any of us or our futures. It is just the way it is.

Ignore the other idiot above.
Do you mean you work 40 hours a week because that is called doing your job and you get paid a nice salary and the potential to earn a bonus.
The bonus plan is almost identical to q2 and q3 of last year.
Why would you ever think a company cares about you personally. It is a company. You do a job and they pay. You might be thinking of marriage. That is the contract tied into caring.

You are upset about the unknown and potential uncertainty and that is normal. However transferring your fear to being the companies fault is not honest.

Ignore the other idiot above.
Do you mean you work 40 hours a week because that is called doing your job and you get paid a nice salary and the potential to earn a bonus.
The bonus plan is almost identical to q2 and q3 of last year.
Why would you ever think a company cares about you personally. It is a company. You do a job and they pay. You might be thinking of marriage. That is the contract tied into caring.

You are upset about the unknown and potential uncertainty and that is normal. However transferring your fear to being the companies fault is not honest.

Thanks Randy, I feel better now.

Ignore the other idiot above.
Do you mean you work 40 hours a week because that is called doing your job and you get paid a nice salary and the potential to earn a bonus.
The bonus plan is almost identical to q2 and q3 of last year.
Why would you ever think a company cares about you personally. It is a company. You do a job and they pay. You might be thinking of marriage. That is the contract tied into caring.

You are upset about the unknown and potential uncertainty and that is normal. However transferring your fear to being the companies fault is not honest.

OMG. What an ass. The .20 cent bonus plan sucks. Believe or not some companies do care about their employees. It's called RETENTION idiot.

that is not honest or accurate. the base bonus has been 25 cents for 3 quarters and now 20 cents. why is that now a problem. you are talking about a few hundred dollar difference in the base bonus potential.
Be honest and say you are not growing and the base bonus affords you a small bonus.
why is that so hard. you act as if there is not any bonus to be made but there is the growth bonus, the base bonus, the rank bonus and the retention bonus.

Just a small point but you meant to say 20 cents not .20 cents.

I am glad you are not one of those people who only cares about themselves

The bonus plan sucks!! It's old and it doesn't work anymore. They need to pay more for the work we go through to maintain our volume! That is why so many people are looking to get the hell out if here. Wait until Mallinckrodt finally takes this business over!

that is not honest or accurate. the base bonus has been 25 cents for 3 quarters and now 20 cents. why is that now a problem. you are talking about a few hundred dollar difference in the base bonus potential.
Be honest and say you are not growing and the base bonus affords you a small bonus.
why is that so hard. you act as if there is not any bonus to be made but there is the growth bonus, the base bonus, the rank bonus and the retention bonus.

Just a small point but you meant to say 20 cents not .20 cents.

I am glad you are not one of those people who only cares about themselves

You are either A.) An Idiot. B.) RSL. C.) A moron with a lackluster territory and is FINALLY showing a bit of growth, not due to your efforts but with OFIRMEV catching on through other territories. Can you let us all know which one is it please?

Hmmm, let's see 20,000 vials at .20 per vial = $4000.00. After taxes $2000.00. Wow! What a great quarterly bonus! I made almost three times that per quarter in my first year as a sample drop primary care rep. You can go on with all your BS, but the high achievers who work hard everyday are fighting daily to hold on to the market share they even have. They have put no rewards on maintenance and all on growth. They are going to lose a lot of great reps.

Can't wait to get a couple job offers so I can get the hell out of here. The perspn above is right. The bonus plan only pays off if youve been a loser for 3 years and finally see some growth. Its a slap in the face if you actually built up volume as no one can have 100% marketshare. F them all.

Can't wait to get a couple job offers so I can get the hell out of here. The perspn above is right. The bonus plan only pays off if youve been a loser for 3 years and finally see some growth. Its a slap in the face if you actually built up volume as no one can have 100% marketshare. F them all.

Everyone needs to get off this site and go to work.

We were emphatically told this because of the length of our patent..blah blah blah. I clearly remember those days and laughed inside then and now. Mallickrodt will be purchased by Mylan. These generic companies have no interest in keeping everyone long term. Just watch.

Anyone in this day and age that doesn't think that the company they are working for can be sold is leaving in a dream world.

So the arguments are:

you must have never sold anything. I won many thousands of options.

taxes? that's what you are going with. taxes are not a legitimate discussion point as they are paid regardless.

to the person representing that they cant achieve a 100% market share . I agree no one can achieve that but we are closer to a zero market share vs 100%.
The reality is national share more like 5%. Yes, us heavy hitters are higher.

the main part of this discussion is the one you fail to mention. you seem to have zero confidence that you can grow product now or going forward. Translation is you are selling less. You sell one product and volume is shrinking but you want a high bonus.

If you want a different bonus try writing something positive with specific measures. Right now you all sound bitter and burned out. Those are not the characteristics of people who are listened to.