Does intuitive surgical offer relocation assistance for sales positions? If so, what does it entail? Thanks.
I am quite familiar with the work setting for companies such as ISI. It does not matter what setting you are looking at there will and are always disgruntled,naive,immature individuals who can only pick at the negative things they imagine only impact themselves. The people posting on this site as well as all of Cafepharma are taking advantage of the secret nature of posting to promote their agendas. Take this stuff with a grain of salt. If you have the opportunity to be positive be that way. Also take the opportunity to point out what needs to be bettered at ISI but then go and do what you can to make it better. Best of luck you and the others at ISI can make a truly significant contribution to our health care setting.
I am quite familiar with the work setting for companies such as ISI. It does not matter what setting you are looking at there will and are always disgruntled,naive,immature individuals who can only pick at the negative things they imagine only impact themselves. The people posting on this site as well as all of Cafepharma are taking advantage of the secret nature of posting to promote their agendas. Take this stuff with a grain of salt. If you have the opportunity to be positive be that way. Also take the opportunity to point out what needs to be bettered at ISI but then go and do what you can to make it better. Best of luck you and the others at ISI can make a truly significant contribution to our health care setting.
I am quite familiar with the work setting for companies such as ISI. It does not matter what setting you are looking at there will and are always disgruntled,naive,immature individuals who can only pick at the negative things they imagine only impact themselves. The people posting on this site as well as all of Cafepharma are taking advantage of the secret nature of posting to promote their agendas. Take this stuff with a grain of salt. If you have the opportunity to be positive be that way. Also take the opportunity to point out what needs to be bettered at ISI but then go and do what you can to make it better. Best of luck you and the others at ISI can make a truly significant contribution to our health care setting.
If you haven't worked for ISI you have no idea what you are talking about, it is amazing how much of what is written is absolutely true.
I am sure that everyone at ISI wishes your post was that simple. sad part is that amount of activity and venom on this site proves how little reps at ISI feel thy have a voice within the company. To call ppl who post here whiney and victims is easy. some may be, others may be earnest incredibly hard working ppl who want better for the company and themselves. Fact is the relationship is abusive and the culture is one that is never remotely satisfied. It always needs a sacrifice! It could come in the form of a conference call victim, a lay off or firing or on the management call. Every level calls for soul to be served up. The people who get promoted and thrive are the ones who serve them up the best. Anything to draw attention away from themselves. Do the math and think it through on who is in what role and how. At the end of the day, the place is poisonous we all know it.
the bottom line is that we basically have 2 types posting here:
1) People that have never worked at Intuitive and are bitter because they either didnt get the job or intuitive has taken some of their business
2) Ex intuitive reps who couldnt cut it either because they didnt have the ability or they could have been in a situation where they had a poor "superior"
As with any company, there are great, average and poor leaders and reps. If it isnt the place for you (either of your own choice or that of the hiring decision makers), get over it and go do something else other than bash something you know nothing about- i.e. 120K for a chole
Cant wait to hear your replies....