
Begin? How can you possibly think layoffs at this point at tabloid rumors. The company loses money for years in an effort to get to today.

I will never understand why people keep holding on to wait and look for a different job while in this company. It’s one of those interesting psychological moments.

Sad really, cloaked in a horrendous CEO who laughs on an investor call that patients died during a late stage CKD trial. Yes people will die of the disease state but it’s so sad to see a leader not honor that patient and instead laugh at the point.

You deserve this tank in stock. Investor call tonight will be interesting. Otsuka do yourself a favor & run.

anyone still damaged in the head enough to not try and get the F out of here ASAP is a frog in a boiling pot. Not stupid. Just damaged. I don’t have to stick around to see the bodies float. Leave.

begin? FU!

People staying now either can’t get a job or want to hold out for severance. Another possibility, they have mastered checking a few boxes and getting a paycheck. Hopefully things work out for all

I should have known better than to look at this thread. Same grave yard piggy wiggly rejects taking an online creative writing course who couldn’t sniff a pharma gig. Fuck Off!