Regular pharma sales vs. health system sales


Anyone have training resources for transitioning to group practice selling? My company is transitioning to account management for health systems and group practices, and we are looking for a sales training model for skills, best practices, and general strategies for reps to follow. Hospital sales reps use same skills, so any resources from those reps would be appreciated.

Anyone have training resources for transitioning to group practice selling? My company is transitioning to account management for health systems and group practices, and we are looking for a sales training model for skills, best practices, and general strategies for reps to follow. Hospital sales reps use same skills, so any resources from those reps would be appreciated.

ah, if you are looking for free tossed out pharma handbook you might want to try a local yard-sale genius. If you are looking for free shit, think again. Everything has a price. And ethics matter, who are you any how? You write like one of those cheap crack consultants for hire.

Your question was excellent and well written. The responses are juvenile and whats wrong with pharma reps in general. Sadly, there are some seriously insecure people who get into this business, add to that immature and dysfunctional and you get these types of replies. I have worked selling to priv. practice, group practice and hospitals. Hospitals are indeed a different target altogether. The similarities are that you have to find the designated go to person and follow protocol, but following protocol, once you get that and its often available in writing, is more important here than ever. Start with calling and talk to pharmacy. Don't be afraid to be creative. Also, if its Kaiser, they have different rules. Its going to take some leg work on your part, but you can do it. Best of luck and stay away from the types of reps you received answers from here. They hate intelligence, maturity and hard working people. It makes them look bad, scares the shit out of them and unfortunately, a good deal of your sales forces is made up of people just like what you read here. Petty, backstabbing and mental. They couldn't make it in any other field, so they showed up here. They often attack minutia such as spelling errors. Petty.

Your question was excellent and well written. The responses are juvenile and whats wrong with pharma reps in general. Sadly, there are some seriously insecure people who get into this business, add to that immature and dysfunctional and you get these types of replies. I have worked selling to priv. practice, group practice and hospitals. Hospitals are indeed a different target altogether. The similarities are that you have to find the designated go to person and follow protocol, but following protocol, once you get that and its often available in writing, is more important here than ever. Start with calling and talk to pharmacy. Don't be afraid to be creative. Also, if its Kaiser, they have different rules. Its going to take some leg work on your part, but you can do it. Best of luck and stay away from the types of reps you received answers from here. They hate intelligence, maturity and hard working people. It makes them look bad, scares the shit out of them and unfortunately, a good deal of your sales forces is made up of people just like what you read here. Petty, backstabbing and mental. They couldn't make it in any other field, so they showed up here. They often attack minutia such as spelling errors. Petty.
Think again jack ass. It is experience that agrees with the prior poster you call young and petty. Think again, Through my own hard work and intelligence I have the experience of many promoted management positions as well as inside director level. Hold a Doctorate degree, yet maintain greater respect for disciplined professional experience more than the watered down degrees that flood all markets today. Felt the need to weight in on the matter with experience that's is from time spent working on Brand teams and above. Opinion based on first hand experience working with over-zealous consultants that sell themselves on their ability to conduct ethical primary pharma intelligence research. When in reality we observe their pawning all over anonymous social media boards like this one, begging for others to do their research for them, for the qualifications, and the network they claim to have can only be non-existent. They take corporations money and look for others to do their research, for free no less. Better get your own opinionated facts strait there, naive boy. The original poster you look to assist with your knowledge is most likely not as genuine as you are led to believe.

So someone actually has the decency to respond with a mature and genuine comment to the original post, and you take it as a personal call to broadcast all of your "experience." Self-boasting and defensive behavior usually indicates deep insecurity and psychological issues. You are so worried about him receiving "free information" and yet isn't that what this board is all about? Sorry, I would trust how "genuine" the original poster is over someone like you any day. Please take your issues, hostility and immaturity somewhere else.

So someone actually has the decency to respond with a mature and genuine comment to the original post, and you take it as a personal call to broadcast all of your "experience." Self-boasting and defensive behavior usually indicates deep insecurity and psychological issues. You are so worried about him receiving "free information" and yet isn't that what this board is all about? Sorry, I would trust how "genuine" the original poster is over someone like you any day. Please take your issues, hostility and immaturity somewhere else.

Wow! struck a nerve eh? Not the way I read it at all. The pompous freeloaders that think CP should serve as their never ending source of free information need to gain a Clue. The same bastards that pose well rehearsed "approaches" in an effort to MIS represent themselves just enough to trick their unknowing qualified target (source) into providing these weasels the market information they so desperately need- not sure I believe CP was designed to financially benefit a few freeloaders. The Pharma CI/BI, market research "grey area" would fair well from a little light shining in. Clearly they try skate by hoping to remain undetected in the area of the industry ethical issues that some frequently violate. To those deal in it-best to Stop drinking the kool aid your project managers are pouring for you. Not good to be blinded by a pay check. Ignorance is not bliss. The mind control and psyche isues Projected by recent poster are clearly clouding your own judgement. Hope that some say you stop making excuses long enough to be clear and are able to comprehend the complex concept of counter CI and protecting intelecrual property. You've been free styling in a professional slippery slope long enough.