Regional Meetings

No, the real joke and entertainment is the reps who are still writing success stories

to those of you who are judging us right now for the success stories, do you think we just woke up and all wanted to write them. We are being forced, they are making us. New jobs don't come overnight so for now I intend to keep the one I have. We don't enjoy writing them anymore than you enjoy having to see them

to those of you who are judging us right now for the success stories, do you think we just woke up and all wanted to write them. We are being forced, they are making us. New jobs don't come overnight so for now I intend to keep the one I have. We don't enjoy writing them anymore than you enjoy having to see them

the managers have more to fear right now than anyone of us reps. if they were wise, they should be aligned with new employment fairly soon. they are just checking one of Phil's boxes in pushing the bogus success stories. what a lame attempt to improve moral

the managers have more to fear right now than anyone of us reps. if they were wise, they should be aligned with new employment fairly soon. they are just checking one of Phil's boxes in pushing the bogus success stories. what a lame attempt to improve moral

Haha if you actually think you will be employed at the end of this your just slow...