Regional Manager Pay

That is the proper range. Still not enough though since our counterparts at other companies make 250K. We get lower pay AND have to manage talentless sales people (or should I say stay at home moms working part time and non motivated males of poor quality)

Talentless sales people? So you are either an idiot who hired these talentless sales people or you inherited these talentless sales people and you couldn't improve the situation. Either way the buck stops with you. At $250K, WE pay for talent not bloated job titles. You want to join our ranks? Get some skills before spouting off. I am particularly impressed by "managers" who transform their "talentless sales people" into top performers; that's who we hire at the high paying device companies.

That is the proper range. Still not enough though since our counterparts at other companies make 250K. We get lower pay AND have to manage talentless sales people (or should I say stay at home moms working part time and non motivated males of poor quality)

That is the proper range. Still not enough though since our counterparts at other companies make 250K. We get lower pay AND have to manage talentless sales people (or should I say stay at home moms working part time and non motivated males of poor quality)

BULLSHIT!! There is no way RMs at Cook make a six figure base! Hahahahaha! This is the funniest thing I have read on here in a while. And by the way, what are you doing posting in the middle of the day? Your talentless salespeople don't need any "help" today??

Our division's National Sales Manager's salary was accidently leaked and he only made $142,500 a year. For his travel and responsibilities this unacceptable. That has to be lower than the industrie's average pay for a sales rep. It is hard to believe that Cook can survive in this market.

Our division's National Sales Manager's salary was accidently leaked and he only made $142,500 a year. For his travel and responsibilities this unacceptable. That has to be lower than the industrie's average pay for a sales rep. It is hard to believe that Cook can survive in this market.

I left Cook last year and is currently a Hospital Representative in another company - made 132k. Also drive a Company Car with Heated Leather seats and 18 inch "bling bling" rims that came standard with the Car.
I left Cook because of it had changed -used to be that you got left alone - relaxed atmosphere, family 1st - was content making 65K because you were treated well and was left alone.
Now it's micro-management to the max - too many reports - my Manager wanted to know how long it took me to drive from home to work, who I saw that day..... I told her do you want me to put in the time I went to the bathroom to pee to make sure my report was accurate as possible.

Been with CC for 7 years my base pay is 78k - thats it ! I believe my RM makes 80k in base

Even tho I knew Cook started low, I still decided to interview. Waste of time!

I clearly had more experience than BOTH of them. Nice to meet you...yet, not my cup of tea.

Started elsewhere...making quite a bit more!

Chalked the interview to helped me land the other.

Best to you!

Ok thanks for that. Do you happen to know if Cook is flexible or will negotiate at all on starting salary or will they negotiate on any other areas if not salary? Thanks

They really don't negotiate much on anything. Maybe a couple of grand on the base, but that's it. It's kind of a take it or leave it type deal.