To all upper leadership at this organization, do you not realize that it is a known thing across the whole industry and across the nation with recruiters that there is constant unbelievable turnover at this organization? I mean never before seen turnover rates. The recruiters love it because they keep taking all of our money for recruitment fees. But many recruiters have started to tell me, since I have been searching for a new job,that they're having trouble getting people to want to interview with us after doing their own research. That research involves talking the cardiologists and talking to other people in the industry, as well as researching on the Internet. It's pretty embarrassing when you're searching for a job like me and the first thing the recruiter says is, "what is going on with that organization, I get 10 calls a day from zoll lifevest people looking for a new job". So you tell me leadership, is it all of us that are incompetent and stupid, or is it that your leadership style and the compensation bonus structure and everything else that you have in place is a complete failure? At what point in time are you going to look in the mirror and stop fighting all of us territory managers,and take some Accountability and responsibility for the absolutely unheard of turnover rates that this organization has ? Many of us love the life vest and we think it's a great product and want to stay here, and we are great employees and have succeeded and grown the business tremendously, and you keep losing us one after the other. At what point in time do you want to unite with us and become a stronger organization and listen to us so we can become a stronger, more credible, and solid growing organization?