Recruiter tactics?


Spoke w/a recruiter last week about a CSR opening in my back yard. Discussion went well although he certainly was a little too over the top positive from a real world perspective IMO. Over the weekend I did my own research which started by talking to the previous CSR who willingly left the position b/c of a major work/life in balance. The CSR also informed me that they personally knew of an individual that was slated to do a field ride this week meaning, in the CSR's words, that the job was that person's to lose. I am scheduled to have a phone interview on Tuesday for the same position which is a little confusing for me.

Is the recruiter simply trying to stockpile a list of candidates in case the ride along w/the other individual is a disaster? Just looking for candid replies and/or feedback on this situation. I expect some immature BS statements as well per the normal CP responses.

I work in the healthcare industry (biologics) and I am not "looking" but at the same time was curious to learn more about Intuitive. So far I have mixed emotions. I appreciate any responses to my posed question. Thanks.

the answer is yes. The average rep lasts at ISI 18 months. This was before they started doing lay offs. The training is 5 weeks in California and 3 weeks home study and there are no less than 3-5 interviews to get the job you can see that they are looking for people before they every impact the accounts! the manager is always interviewing. SO the postings are always there. Can't tell you how many times I have seen my job in the postings when I thought things were great at the org. Probably designed to keep us scared shtless that our job is going away.