Recruiter Says Sun Looks Bad on Resume


Had a phone screen and recruiter told me it’s industry wide knowledge that people are bailing Sun in droves. He said recruiters and hiring managers know we didn’t have drug for almost 11 months and no results to show. Profiling is not a marketable skill. He came out and said I’d be better off if I was coming off a specialty contract with a highly respected company. I felt kicked in gut. Silver lining I moved on to next round but it wasn’t because of my time at Sun.
Good luck to all those interviewing.

Had a phone screen and recruiter told me it’s industry wide knowledge that people are bailing Sun in droves. He said recruiters and hiring managers know we didn’t have drug for almost 11 months and no results to show. Profiling is not a marketable skill. He came out and said I’d be better off if I was coming off a specialty contract with a highly respected company. I felt kicked in gut. Silver lining I moved on to next round but it wasn’t because of my time at Sun.
Good luck to all those interviewing.


Had a phone screen and recruiter told me it’s industry wide knowledge that people are bailing Sun in droves. He said recruiters and hiring managers know we didn’t have drug for almost 11 months and no results to show. Profiling is not a marketable skill. He came out and said I’d be better off if I was coming off a specialty contract with a highly respected company. I felt kicked in gut. Silver lining I moved on to next round but it wasn’t because of my time at Sun.
Good luck to all those interviewing.

You must be as dumb as you look. Of course there is a problem doing nothing for over a year. Taking the kids to school and making believe you were prepping a bio market is worthless. Time to change careers or re-invent yourself (if possible) and lose your Big Pharma ego. Work like the rest of us not selling Ilumya.

You must be as dumb as you look. Of course there is a problem doing nothing for over a year. Taking the kids to school and making believe you were prepping a bio market is worthless. Time to change careers or re-invent yourself (if possible) and lose your Big Pharma ego. Work like the rest of us not selling Ilumya.

Here’s the funny thing:
Do you think it matters if you’re selling Ilumya or any other Sun product ?
We are all painted with the same brush!

Do you think that any other division has a better reputation than ‘bio’ ? The answer is no. It’s been said directly to me and others have said they’ve been told the same.
Recruiters and employers give you a pass for being at Sun up to 1 year. After that, you’re considered part of the mess.

Here’s the funny thing:
Do you think it matters if you’re selling Ilumya or any other Sun product ?
We are all painted with the same brush!

Do you think that any other division has a better reputation than ‘bio’ ? The answer is no. It’s been said directly to me and others have said they’ve been told the same.
Recruiters and employers give you a pass for being at Sun up to 1 year. After that, you’re considered part of the mess.

The clock is ticking for all of us who’ve been here since the beginning to get out.

You must be as dumb as you look. Of course there is a problem doing nothing for over a year. Taking the kids to school and making believe you were prepping a bio market is worthless. Time to change careers or re-invent yourself (if possible) and lose your Big Pharma ego. Work like the rest of us not selling Ilumya.

Not going to lie, it was nice having a window of time to not be sweating hitting quota, doing crappy lunches and yes working but the majority of us were ready to get out there. The delays weren’t reps fault. Believe me most of us working like mad trying to sell this drug. Our credibility has taken a big hit. I like Pharma but not being part of the titanic

Here’s the funny thing:
Do you think it matters if you’re selling Ilumya or any other Sun product ?
We are all painted with the same brush!

Do you think that any other division has a better reputation than ‘bio’ ? The answer is no. It’s been said directly to me and others have said they’ve been told the same.
Recruiters and employers give you a pass for being at Sun up to 1 year. After that, you’re considered part of the mess.

SUN other divisions have a record of selling. Ilumya bozos only have a record of complaining and not succeeding.

Not going to lie, it was nice having a window of time to not be sweating hitting quota, doing crappy lunches and yes working but the majority of us were ready to get out there. The delays weren’t reps fault. Believe me most of us working like mad trying to sell this drug. Our credibility has taken a big hit. I like Pharma but not being part of the titanic

I've got my violin. You can continue singing Celine Dion songs and make the world sad.

Had a phone screen and recruiter told me it’s industry wide knowledge that people are bailing Sun in droves. He said recruiters and hiring managers know we didn’t have drug for almost 11 months and no results to show. Profiling is not a marketable skill. He came out and said I’d be better off if I was coming off a specialty contract with a highly respected company. I felt kicked in gut. Silver lining I moved on to next round but it wasn’t because of my time at Sun.
Good luck to all those interviewing.
Is this your way of convincing others to leave in order to retain job security? Can you be anymore obvious? Why is that always the tactic of insecure employees....ever heard of hard work? Doing your best? What's Sun and Taro have done wrong is in keeping employees on board for longer than they deserve.

Is this your way of convincing others to leave in order to retain job security? Can you be anymore obvious? Why is that always the tactic of insecure employees....ever heard of hard work? Doing your best? What's Sun and Taro have done wrong is in keeping employees on board for longer than they deserve.

Are you serious with this? It’s the truth. Sun’s reputation is in the toilet thanks in part in keeping a criminal like AG at the helm. Job security? My job for now is fine. I’m leaving because this place continues to be one train wreck after another and it’s not worth my reputation tanking along with one of the most unethical companies out there besides something like Purdue Pharma.
We are all adults and stay or go, don’t care. Giving people a heads up to the truth if you are job hunting.

Is this your way of convincing others to leave in order to retain job security? Can you be anymore obvious? Why is that always the tactic of insecure employees....ever heard of hard work? Doing your best? What's Sun and Taro have done wrong is in keeping employees on board for longer than they deserve.