I thought my company was bad. Thanks for making me feel better about my job, these cp posts are very negative. That's a call I'll be ignoring.
Is Life Vest standard of care?
The only thing that is standard at Lifevest is how they screw all their reps.
I am being recruited right now as well. Just did the synergy personality interview. I am being told all the same things.......average rep is making 159,000. I am debating if the position is worth taking for a year or two to get some device experience and move on. I have talked to current reps who confirm issues.
I hit quota for awhile, then the two week increases caught me. Doubt I'll see over 100k this year. Ask to see the current patient list vs the quota. Ask the maximum the territory has ever done. Ask the tough quota questions. Ask about insurance coverage and your states Medicaid reimbursement policy for DME. Ask for specific dollar amounts for reimbursements for plans. Ask for a list of Dr's who have prescribed it in the past year and, more important, how MANY they've prescribed. DIG DEEP. Most important, insist on seeing the numbers for yourself. These mgrs have to exaggerate and mislead candidates. It's the only way they'd ever get people to come here.
He called me about Brooklyn! What's the deal. Says it's a high prescribing territory.
No need to get salty...I just really wanted to know the deal. Can someone provide honest feedback without insults?