Recharge yourself during the Holiday break so we get a strong start to 2022

Recharge because most of the people you worked with in 2021 are gone. And now you are left to do the work of 10 people because no offshore country can do it even though they are treated like royalty. Those remaining will be laden with sheer exhaustion in 2022.

Recharge because most of the people you worked with in 2021 are gone. And now you are left to do the work of 10 people because no offshore country can do it even though they are treated like royalty. Those remaining will be laden with sheer exhaustion in 2022.

Amen! Our group was once 100+ strong. Now? Just a handful of US employees to shoulder all the heavy lifting from the outsourcing failure. As soon as we get them trained, they leave GSK for companies with more competitive compensation.

Recharge yourself with plenty of antibodies to fight the COVID you will undoubtedly contract at your Fast Start meeting! Assholes. I hope GSK ends up on the hook for a lawsuit or two,

No, Court…despite what is most convenient to the bottom line, many people have inconveniently died in all 50 states. The shitty portfolio at GSK is not worth risking life and limb to promote. Sorry that offends you and your large mouth (that is overcompensating for your small reproductive equipment).