Recall of Soothe® Xtra Hydration (XH) Eye Drops

This is a "drowning man clings to straw" product we grabbed under Flemming from the guys he prveiously fired at Novartis that are now Alimera Sciences. Alimera is now drowning with its lluvein dog (a cheap version of our retisert bow wow) and unloaded this winner on us as it was killing them without the financial backing we have. Great due diligence on our part. The blame for this has to go to the people at the top that greenlighted this thing. They should be made to pay.

yeah there's a serious problem there. Too many recalls and problems with our solutions over the past several years. It's the reason we aren't a public company anymore and it is still happening. If I was interested in buying B&L and seeing this repeat problem I would never buy it.

I can't believe this new product has this issue. Quite frankly it is unbelievable. Incomprehensible. If Trump owned this place he'd fire everyone involved. I'd do the same.

It was probably sterile going out the door and then became contaminated during use. This would mean that either the preservative was ineffective or the formulation contained substances that the fungi could grow on.

I am OTC employee. We stopped shipping it in July because the crackerjack R&D people did not realize it had to be refrigerated. Then all of a sudden, it didn't have to be and we started shipping it again. Lo and behold, mold problem down the road. I'm sure it is related to the product getting too warm. Bausch will sell its soul for a few dollars in sales.

People should be fired - especially those who knew there were issues when the product got warm. Once again, short-sighted chasing of the all-mightly dollar. It's sad that recalls have become a core competency. Every brand has had them - Boston, PreserVision Vitamins (and that one was brilliant. Pre-launch consumer research says customers have a problem with pill size and choking. Compamy ignores and launches anyway. Elderly customers cholke on pills and product is recalled for fear of lawsuits.), General Eye Care, MultiPlus. Mark my words, Biotrue will be next. What the ????

This is why there are no buyers for this company; too much inherent liability. Only God knows what the problem will be with the Crystalens product after it has been in someone's eye for a couple of decades?

How did this happen? The root cause is probably very clear if they do a complete review of how this product came to market.

Read earlier in this thread. This was an inside deal between Flemming and his former buddies from Novartis which are now Alimera Sciences. They unloaded this dog on us and this may be why one of the first things Fred did was toss Flemming.

There should be a scientific due diligence report on this. If there isn't one then thats the root of the problem (Products are approved for release without anyone taking responsibility so if something goes wrong their finger prints are not on it).

If their is a scientific due diligence report who was the person in charge of making sure all of the correct testing was complete to cover all the possible problems. Given that B&L just had recent mold growth product recall there should have been extensive testing done on this product prior to release. The person who was responsible for the final sign off of the scientific due diligence report should be replaced.

There should be a scientific due diligence report on this. If there isn't one then thats the root of the problem (Products are approved for release without anyone taking responsibility so if something goes wrong their finger prints are not on it).

If their is a scientific due diligence report who was the person in charge of making sure all of the correct testing was complete to cover all the possible problems. Given that B&L just had recent mold growth product recall there should have been extensive testing done on this product prior to release. The person who was responsible for the final sign off of the scientific due diligence report should be replaced.

The person(s) responsible are probably long gone as R&D is just a shell of what it was 12 months ago. Decisions like this are made in an old boys club type way so this is how we got stuck with this dog. No one can or will be made to answer for this. It will just be a liability that will be wiped away in a BK restructuring.

There's a high cost in a product recall and you better believe that it's multi million dollars to fix the problem. Oh, and where does that money come from? Out of B+L's bleeding ass.