Rearranging the Deck Chairs...


Can anyone take a reasonable stab at explaining how a company can be in such dire straits as LLY whines about being in, yet can prioritize digging up parking lot after parking lot at LTC and rebuilding them from the substrata up; putting "green roofs" all over the place (don't try to tell me the cost savings are going to pay for their installation before 2014...); "remodeling" building after building to take out perfectly good, functional (paid-for) office furniture and replace it with new, ugly, annoying, productivity-killing (high-cost) "mobile" furniture; and etc, and so on... ?

(I'll save for another post asking how the he11 anyone can keep a straight face when telling people that "mobile workstations" are no indication that you are allowed to be in any way "mobile" by working from more convenient locations... like home, starbucks, etc.)

Can anyone take a reasonable stab at explaining how a company can be in such dire straits as LLY whines about being in, yet can prioritize digging up parking lot after parking lot at LTC and rebuilding them from the substrata up; putting "green roofs" all over the place (don't try to tell me the cost savings are going to pay for their installation before 2014...); "remodeling" building after building to take out perfectly good, functional (paid-for) office furniture and replace it with new, ugly, annoying, productivity-killing (high-cost) "mobile" furniture; and etc, and so on... ?

(I'll save for another post asking how the he11 anyone can keep a straight face when telling people that "mobile workstations" are no indication that you are allowed to be in any way "mobile" by working from more convenient locations... like home, starbucks, etc.)

Harvard education at work - both at Lilly, at US Treasury, and the dumb POTUS

And what is the root cause of all this? The senior leadership is absolutely devoid of seeing the real issues and prioritizing effectively in order to give our company even the slightest chance of getting through the next five years.

Unfortunately, the mobile workstations are for layoffs. Your 'desk' is already packed-up for the most part. 5500 was always way too small. They just don't want it t happen all at once. That would be too chaotic.

FIPNet: An Essential Part of Complete Catastrophic Failure and Mass Layoffs.$$$JCL$$$

How many times must I repeat myself. READ MY LIPS, "WE HAVE NO PLANS FOR A MASS LAYOFF". FIPNET does not call for a MASS layoff. Instead it calls for many small layoffs over a short period of time to help avoid the bad press that often follows large layoff. Remember I gots a Harvard education so I can easily fool my minions into working themselves silly up until the day I "CAN" their butts.

John LIEchleiter