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Reallocation (aka Layoffs)


Who got laid off or as Liily tries to soften the blow "reallocated"?

I heard mass chopping of staff inside Lilly is being done as we speak!

A friend of mine said 18 Portfolio Managers (whole group I think) were "reallocated" and 8 positions were posted, so 10 people will be fired. I also heard that no announcement to the media or anything this time, the grim reaper will just move around the company terminating at will.

Discovery Chemists are safe of course, because we are just the right size now. Damn that is good weed, I need to take another toke.

A friend of mine said 18 Portfolio Managers (whole group I think) were "reallocated" and 8 positions were posted, so 10 people will be fired. I also heard that no announcement to the media or anything this time, the grim reaper will just move around the company terminating at will.

Discovery Chemists are safe of course, because we are just the right size now. Damn that is good weed, I need to take another toke.

You should see the stockroom of bldg. 48--like an scene from "Up In Smoke"!

A friend of mine said 18 Portfolio Managers (whole group I think) were "reallocated" and 8 positions were posted, so 10 people will be fired. I also heard that no announcement to the media or anything this time, the grim reaper will just move around the company terminating at will.

Discovery Chemists are safe of course, because we are just the right size now. Damn that is good weed, I need to take another toke.

what are portfolio managers?

It sure would be nice if there was more transparency.

There always seem to be some business function getting purged, so quietly.

Like Indy's virgin ears would not know what to think about do-no-evil Lilly.

If only they knew...

Or, maybe it's only kosher to discuss these things in Carmel...

It sure would be nice if there was more transparency.

There always seem to be some business function getting purged, so quietly.

Like Indy's virgin ears would not know what to think about do-no-evil Lilly.

If only they knew...

Or, maybe it's only kosher to discuss these things in Carmel...

Carmel, not by the sea
Nothing to see
We have things under control
Eat more buttered rolls
Do your duty and pay your taxes
move along
move along.

Come on come and do
Re-allo-cation with me
You pack up your box now
pack up, pack up
check out, walk out
that's what this place's now all about...

cut cut cut your way to growth and innovation
come on, do re-allo-cation
FIPNET to the 3rd world
a race-to-gutter situation
come on, do re-allo-cation
You best look around and see the signs
get out now for peace of mind
come on, come on and do
re-allo-cation with me!

Come on come and do
Re-allo-cation with me
You pack up your box now
pack up, pack up
check out, walk out
that's what this place's now all about...

cut cut cut your way to growth and innovation
come on, do re-allo-cation
FIPNET to the 3rd world
a race-to-gutter situation
come on, do re-allo-cation
You best look around and see the signs
get out now for peace of mind
come on, come on and do
re-allo-cation with me!

a once mighty pharma reduced to 3rd rate MBA projects... what a shame.

I suppose that the real trouble is that John is not a good scientist. His brain has been dumbed down