Reality Check


Reality check for those thinking of coming here and those that are still at here...this company is headed south. They are trying to set it up to sell. If you think about it, they have cleaned up the laboratory. Didn't make quotas obtainable so they could afford to beef up the place....can't afford to pay for both. They are getting rid of the higher paid employees and replacing them with lower salaries and people that won't complain about quotas because they don't know any better. Bob and Scott's past jobs have done just that. Ever wonder why Bob isn't "officially" on the books? Wonder why SL only rented a house? They have no plans to stay. So, if you are smart, you will be working on your plans to leave to. Everyone that thinks they will be ok are foolish. They don't care who you are or what you do. Advice... Get out! And Stay away!!!

Sums it up quite well!

Yes it does! I don't know how SL and Bob are going to try and shine up a turd then sell it. Good luck!! Also, most AEs are on their way out or interviewing. Since Bob and SL think volume will stay put when an AE leaves, they'll see the volume drop and it will prove their theory wrong. Great time for competitors to come in...

Put some elbow grease into it, boys!! Shine away!