Realistic bonus

What is a realistic quarterly bonus for Forest Reps?

Thanks in advance for your input.

I think the average is $4-6k. In a bad quarter you usually get at least $1500, although I have heard of reps that get next to nothing at all. In a good quarter you can easily make over $10k. But no matter how big the bonus, working here still sucks the big one.

What is a realistic quarterly bonus for Forest Reps?

Thanks in advance for your input.

The last 2 qrts I made 2500 and 3300. When 95% of the sf is pulling in a 55K base this is embarrassing bonus dollars. yes this is stepping stone company and one should not expect to make bonus but the base salary low ball was enough to make you puke and then the very low bonus compared to real companies is like getting gas poured on an open wound. No wonder frx has the highest turnover in the industry, you have to see it to bel. it. There is nothing like forest and their arrogance and culture here is similar to a cess pool. i needed the work and exp but my DM ruined even the short stay I have planned here. I have never met more unenthusiastic scared little turds in my life and career. All the hype pharma sales has got over the last decade as being the place to be, right, this is the most demotivating shit job on the planet and forest is an eye sore to the industry. I am sure some loser sucker will come on here declaring their base in the 70's, we all know that is pure bullshit and deflective management tactics, have you ever seen a more insecure inept group of 20 yr old managers in your life. Wow.

It's a bell curve, you need to be at the top to make over 6 k. If you are ranked in the 26-75%, there really isn't much difference. After taxes and 401k contribution 6500 and 4500 are pretty close.It's great if you are 74%, not so much if you are 26th. It pays more to kick butt with one product (top 5%) than to do pretty well with everything. To make money, at least one product has to be top 10%.

The last 2 qrts I made 2500 and 3300. When 95% of the sf is pulling in a 55K base this is embarrassing bonus dollars. yes this is stepping stone company and one should not expect to make bonus but the base salary low ball was enough to make you puke and then the very low bonus compared to real companies is like getting gas poured on an open wound. No wonder frx has the highest turnover in the industry, you have to see it to bel. it. There is nothing like forest and their arrogance and culture here is similar to a cess pool. i needed the work and exp but my DM ruined even the short stay I have planned here. I have never met more unenthusiastic scared little turds in my life and career. All the hype pharma sales has got over the last decade as being the place to be, right, this is the most demotivating shit job on the planet and forest is an eye sore to the industry. I am sure some loser sucker will come on here declaring their base in the 70's, we all know that is pure bullshit and deflective management tactics, have you ever seen a more insecure inept group of 20 yr old managers in your life. Wow.

Sorry to make you even more embarrassed but most of us make a LOT more than 55k. Before your lame ass started we got 10-15% raises for top 20% years. Yeah, we make 50-100% more than you do. So....who's the "sucker"? :)

Sorry to make you even more embarrassed but most of us make a LOT more than 55k. Before your lame ass started we got 10-15% raises for top 20% years. Yeah, we make 50-100% more than you do. So....who's the "sucker"? :)

Hahaha, so you started at 48k or 52K and now you have worked your way up to 59K, congrats on pulling in the big bucks, looosssseerrrrrrrrrr. There is a reason forest is the motel 6 of pharma and hires ups and american express cust. ser. reps, and if they are really lucky they get the coveted Enterprise rent car superstar from the "manager training program"..... this is no bs, I have multiple people on my team who came from enterprise rent a car or some other IKON copier of cell phone sales job......these people would not even get a towel boy job at a C player pharma, but Forest eats these folks up like sugarcane.

Hahaha, so you started at 48k or 52K and now you have worked your way up to 59K, congrats on pulling in the big bucks, looosssseerrrrrrrrrr. There is a reason forest is the motel 6 of pharma and hires ups and american express cust. ser. reps, and if they are really lucky they get the coveted Enterprise rent car superstar from the "manager training program"..... this is no bs, I have multiple people on my team who came from enterprise rent a car or some other IKON copier of cell phone sales job......these people would not even get a towel boy job at a C player pharma, but Forest eats these folks up like sugarcane.

started at 41k 10 years ago, base is now 92k, and yes I am a regular rep