Yet more proof that most posts on cafe pharma are mainly from angry disgruntled employee (or ex-employees), who find an urgent need to spread their misery. So, the OP references an article, and implies that it states all negativity. The article was well balanced, in expressing the challenges. and the opportunities of WC. Not only can this Poster not spell, but they are overly biased and bitter towards the company. The direct quote below, from the article is a clear indication of financial well being and upside potential, of WC. Where was the reference to this by the poster? I quote:
"The company is highly profitable, running robust operating margins over 30%. Cash generation is outstanding. Free cash flow has averaged 140% of reported operating earnings over the past five years -- one of the highest conversion ratios I've ever seen. As a result, WCRX's free cash yield is substantial, over 15%. To put it simply -- the stock is cheap, and the company generates a ton of cash flow."
"The valuation and cash flow prevent Warner from being a total loss of an investment, and even assuming sales declines, I still think the stock could be worth $20 -- plenty of upside from the current $12 level."
Please grow up haters! please take your negativity someplace else.