Reach out to your friends folks: RTBKPL


  • RTBKPL   Apr 04, 2012 at 02:11: PM
Well by now everyone has an idea as to their fate. For those of you retained, I'm not sure that was the best thing that could have happened to you today. For those of you displaced, don't for a moment think you are unemployable regardless of age. Take a few days to decompress, take stock of your situation and begin to network. Look for small companies, they expect a lot, they want you to work hard but I'm now convinced that "small" is where to be. I wish I had found this organization in my 30's instead of my 60's.

I am somewhat amused by what I have read and heard about some of the people I have known in the past. Like they say....Karma. You can't backstab, s--t on people and not expect to get something splashed back on yourself. I would hate to be a 40 something DM out of work right now, most of them will not replace that paycheck any time soon. I do wish them all well though, even the two or three who crapped on me.......

For those of you retained, reach out to your displaced friends. Keep your eyes and ears open for possible positions, you are a good source of information as to what's available in the field. That's essentially what happened to me, a friend knew of someone looking for a rep and...........

Remember my friends.......

Never let the bastards get you down.



Well by now everyone has an idea as to their fate. For those of you retained, I'm not sure that was the best thing that could have happened to you today. For those of you displaced, don't for a moment think you are unemployable regardless of age. Take a few days to decompress, take stock of your situation and begin to network. Look for small companies, they expect a lot, they want you to work hard but I'm now convinced that "small" is where to be. I wish I had found this organization in my 30's instead of my 60's.

I am somewhat amused by what I have read and heard about some of the people I have known in the past. Like they say....Karma. You can't backstab, s--t on people and not expect to get something splashed back on yourself. I would hate to be a 40 something DM out of work right now, most of them will not replace that paycheck any time soon. I do wish them all well though, even the two or three who crapped on me.......

For those of you retained, reach out to your displaced friends. Keep your eyes and ears open for possible positions, you are a good source of information as to what's available in the field. That's essentially what happened to me, a friend knew of someone looking for a rep and...........

Remember my friends.......

Never let the bastards get you down.


I would also add that you should be taking advantage of any 401k that you have with this company or any other. You never know when you are going to get laid off and when will you be able to replace that income. I am about to hit 40 and I have almost $400,000 in retirement savings. I don't make a huge income, but I've always paid myself first, then paid the bills. After that you can spend some discretionary income. Even if I don't save another dime I'll be able to retire at 59.

The moral is to plan for the future because it will be here before you know it. Anyone can do what I have done. Live below your means, don't keep up with the Jones.....

Really? You'll be able to retire at 59? Regardless of how much money is in your 401K plan, have you researched the cost of purchasing individual health insurance from age 59 until you are eligible for Medicare at 65?

Well by now everyone has an idea as to their fate. For those of you retained, I'm not sure that was the best thing that could have happened to you today. For those of you displaced, don't for a moment think you are unemployable regardless of age. Take a few days to decompress, take stock of your situation and begin to network. Look for small companies, they expect a lot, they want you to work hard but I'm now convinced that "small" is where to be. I wish I had found this organization in my 30's instead of my 60's.

I am somewhat amused by what I have read and heard about some of the people I have known in the past. Like they say....Karma. You can't backstab, s--t on people and not expect to get something splashed back on yourself. I would hate to be a 40 something DM out of work right now, most of them will not replace that paycheck any time soon. I do wish them all well though, even the two or three who crapped on me.......

For those of you retained, reach out to your displaced friends. Keep your eyes and ears open for possible positions, you are a good source of information as to what's available in the field. That's essentially what happened to me, a friend knew of someone looking for a rep and...........

Remember my friends.......

Never let the bastards get you down.


Let me translate the post above:

No one pays attention to me in real life so I come on to CP to pretend I am a sage old man.

Your misery offers me an opportunity to pontificate yet again and pretend I have something vital to say. I think that you need my wise words of advice in order to understand the situation you find yourself in. My opinion of myself is only exceeded by my need for attention.

Stay tuned in case I have another vital thought to pass on to you.

Remember my ........ well we are not friends because I don't know you.....

I am one of the Bastards that get you down.

Let me translate the post above:

No one pays attention to me in real life so I come on to CP to pretend I am a sage old man.

Your misery offers me an opportunity to pontificate yet again and pretend I have something vital to say. I think that you need my wise words of advice in order to understand the situation you find yourself in. My opinion of myself is only exceeded by my need for attention.

Stay tuned in case I have another vital thought to pass on to you.

Remember my ........ well we are not friends because I don't know you.....

I am one of the Bastards that get you down.

Hey asswipe, what are you? A twelve year old? I don't know this guy from Adam but I would bet his farts make more sense than all your words. It's you who needs to get a life.

Really? You'll be able to retire at 59? Regardless of how much money is in your 401K plan, have you researched the cost of purchasing individual health insurance from age 59 until you are eligible for Medicare at 65?

Yes I have. At 8% growth without investing anymore money, I will have over 2 million. That's if I do not invest any more money. If I continue at my current pace I will be well over 3 million. That doesn't include my new wife who is also investing $2,000 a month. Just plan to save more than you need.

Try to replace 80% of your per-retirement income. Remember at that point you will no longer be putting any more money away for savings and you should have your house paid off. Those two things will greatly reduce your expenses which you can easily use to pay for medical. I also own an investment property that will be paid off by someone ELSE by the time I retire. If you can find a low price property in this real estate glut, then jump on it and rent it out. Make sure you can clear about 300 a month and use a property manager if you want hassle free ownership....

Good luck.

Any one can do this.

I was at a meeting a few years ago and my roommate and his wife owned 5 apartments. He was 36 years old and way ahead of the game.....

Yes I have. At 8% growth without investing anymore money, I will have over 2 million. That's if I do not invest any more money. If I continue at my current pace I will be well over 3 million. That doesn't include my new wife who is also investing $2,000 a month. Just plan to save more than you need.

What are you going to do if and when the stock market crashes again? With the election upon us, nobody knows what they will have left in their 401K. You don't know if you will continue to have 8% growth. You don't know if you will have 2 million or 2 cents. You don't know if you will have a catastrophic illness that wipes everything out in 2 years because of what you might have to pay in long term care. You are awfully sure of yourself!

Yes I have. At 8% growth without investing anymore money, I will have over 2 million. That's if I do not invest any more money. If I continue at my current pace I will be well over 3 million. That doesn't include my new wife who is also investing $2,000 a month. Just plan to save more than you need.

What are you going to do if and when the stock market crashes again? With the election upon us, nobody knows what they will have left in their 401K. You don't know if you will continue to have 8% growth. You don't know if you will have 2 million or 2 cents. You don't know if you will have a catastrophic illness that wipes everything out in 2 years because of what you might have to pay in long term care. You are awfully sure of yourself!

You don't get it. I'm doing everything possible to avoid a bad retirement. You stick your head in the sand and I'll plan for the future. Let's see how that works out for you...

You don't get it. I'm doing everything possible to avoid a bad retirement. You stick your head in the sand and I'll plan for the future. Let's see how that works out for you...

Knowing that you might have it all one day and lose it the next is burying your head in the sand? I think that's called reality. Nobody is immune to it, no matter much they do to avoid it. I hope we ALL avoid a bad retirement but sometimes we cannot control things. That's all the poster was saying and I agree with him/her.

Yes I have. At 8% growth without investing anymore money, I will have over 2 million. That's if I do not invest any more money. If I continue at my current pace I will be well over 3 million. That doesn't include my new wife who is also investing $2,000 a month. Just plan to save more than you need.

What are you going to do if and when the stock market crashes again? With the election upon us, nobody knows what they will have left in their 401K. You don't know if you will continue to have 8% growth. You don't know if you will have 2 million or 2 cents. You don't know if you will have a catastrophic illness that wipes everything out in 2 years because of what you might have to pay in long term care. You are awfully sure of yourself! need to look at the big picture and not just this snapshot in time. People like you are going to regret not investing down the road...

Knowing that you might have it all one day and lose it the next is burying your head in the sand? I think that's called reality. Nobody is immune to it, no matter much they do to avoid it. I hope we ALL avoid a bad retirement but sometimes we cannot control things. That's all the poster was saying and I agree with him/her.

That's the thing you are missing, you're HOPING to have a good retirement. I am doing everything possible to have a retirement where I don't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. Sure everything can turn to sh*t, but I'm hoping for the best, but planning for the worst. I see way too many friends and colleagues buy Land Rivers for their spouses and live in a mini-mansion instead of funding their retirement accounts.

I want everyone to have a happy stress free retirement, the only way for that to happen is to start changing habits Today. You can always catch up if you haven't started yet. You might not be driving a Jaguar if you start today, but you won't be driving a Focus either....

Good Luck to everyone....