

With all of the executives being given an early retirement it seems that the field is long over due for a reorg across the board. I think days of 3 day field rides and bosses having 6-8 employees to supervise should be long long gone. And I’m having a hard time thinking 75% of the company thinks culture is improving per the survey ? Long time employee here… struggling with all of the BS and just wanting to serve the company and customers well and bring home a paycheck for my family and not be treated like cattle in return.

Let us go... this is a sham gig-let us fly into the darkness

Its as much internal issues as well as external forces that will cause a shift in company structure. COVID was the biggest purposeful sham in global history and has-will impact all industries for a few more years. Recent NYT articles have also shown how this inept administrations IRA will GUT the pharma industry in the next two years. It is an absolute threat to patients - providers - and every pharma company. If you think otherwise - you are wrong.
Granted - abbvie could have shored up R&D but the only thing that matters to abbvie and all share holders is the stock price. anything besides that is irrelevant so all decisions will be made to protect the price vs company headcount.

Its as much internal issues as well as external forces that will cause a shift in company structure. COVID was the biggest purposeful sham in global history and has-will impact all industries for a few more years. Recent NYT articles have also shown how this inept administrations IRA will GUT the pharma industry in the next two years. It is an absolute threat to patients - providers - and every pharma company. If you think otherwise - you are wrong.
Granted - abbvie could have shored up R&D but the only thing that matters to abbvie and all share holders is the stock price. anything besides that is irrelevant so all decisions will be made to protect the price vs company headcount.

sure thing Fox Culter. The funeral homes all over Missouri and Mississippi say otherwise. You know, a missile did not hit the Pentagon, the world is not flat, and your orange 6'3" 215 elite athlete fake God did not win the election.

Its as much internal issues as well as external forces that will cause a shift in company structure. COVID was the biggest purposeful sham in global history and has-will impact all industries for a few more years. Recent NYT articles have also shown how this inept administrations IRA will GUT the pharma industry in the next two years. It is an absolute threat to patients - providers - and every pharma company. If you think otherwise - you are wrong.
Granted - abbvie could have shored up R&D but the only thing that matters to abbvie and all share holders is the stock price. anything besides that is irrelevant so all decisions will be made to protect the price vs company headcount.

sure thing Fox Culter. The funeral homes all over Missouri and Mississippi say otherwise. You know, a missile did not hit the Pentagon, the world is not flat, and your orange 6'3" 215 elite athlete fake God did not win the election.
215 my ass. No wait, 215 his ass. But only his ass, way more than that when you count the rest. And not orange, strawberry blonde.

sure thing Fox Culter. The funeral homes all over Missouri and Mississippi say otherwise. You know, a missile did not hit the Pentagon, the world is not flat, and your orange 6'3" 215 elite athlete fake God did not win the election.
The lack of self awareness here is astonishing. You're having an unhinged tirade on an anonymous pharma board, go outside my dude.

No one is losing their job. Calm down. This is one of the ‘positives’ about AbbVie. Dead weight is welcome. Come visit Abbott park if you have any doubts about whether the useless have a place at AbbVie.

Sure do. Ding dong farted in sleepy T’s face and his mouth was open so he woke up just in time to see the mean kangaroo get ready to let loose a dry turd. Alls well that ends well.