RB's biggest mistakes?


No new products in 8.5 yrs (film is NOT a new product)
Not getting pain indication
Not getting more people (lost exclusivity and market is still growing)
Not sharing the wealth with employees (raises down, profits up?)
Not getting film approval first try
Not getting rid of the tab
I'll leave some for others to fill in

Megadittos to that. Damn, I get why all but a handful of the original hires stuck around. The idiot people promoted and or allowed to stay on as managers, from that group , (yeah we do know who you are jugheads) and the second wave of hires were morons, with maybe and I say maybe, 1 person. WTF. I can't really believe some of the people I work with. List all the mistakes? You have to be kidding. The worst choices of all, were poor, pathetic sick ass hires.

How about a better bonus plan, one that doesn't take a MS in Mathematics to figure out...considering roughly 165 CLs sell over $1 billion in Suboxone a year, but raises were cut last year and bonuses made harder to attain, I'd like to see that change. I mean, what other company has the sales per rep that RB does? It's unreal....

the answer. is the one you won't want to hear or believe. its the simplest explanation of course, which is a real pisser. they love paying some jackass. a ton of money, to convolute the bonus pay out, because it pays to keep you in the dark. there is a sadistic tendency here for keeping reps in the dark. you start getting your brain on here, bud, and you are going to be fricken toast. got that? you start asking questions, you start telling the truth and your ass has a target on it, that even the most lowly of life forms (which there is an abundance of here) will be just itchin to take a shot at. the sad thing is, this is intolerable to most people with i.q.'s over 70 and frankly, its what works for big brother/ it ain't about you pardner.

Yes and that same concept and faulty thinking, which is that reps can't be trusted to be included in devising a fair bonus payout, also extends to the faulty thinking that reps cannot be trusted to know what would consitute a proper sales territory. Granted, damn few reps do have the objectivity and selflessness needed to make these decisions. However, choosing reps (come on, we're so over the CL thing, lets call a spade a spade) that have proven themselves be objective and selfless, that are mature and inviting them to be involved in these processes, would be the smartest thing RB could do. But hell no, that just makes too damn much sense and they would really rather pay an assinine amount of money to so-called experts, right? Why, because in the end, they want to keep you in the dark, which only creates more employee turnover. Further, some schmuck up there thinks if he acts out of the box and something goes awry, then its his ass vs. actually doing the right thing, which may cost him his ass, but at least the reps will be validated and the turnover/bastard whiner factor would decrease. Simply allowing reps, from all parts of the country, (and for those of you that are challenged, this would be N, S, E and West), who have demonstrated (not stated, but actually demonstrated) exceptionally mature, objective decision making skills, to participate in these types of decisions is one suggestion as to how to improve this situation.

According to Becht there was supposed to be further products this summer to extend the life of Suboxone. "We will talk about the pipeline of further products which will extend the business and make this a strong niche pharmaceuticals business which is here for the long term". So, its August, summer will be fading fast - has anyone heard of any further products?

According to Becht there was supposed to be further products this summer to extend the life of Suboxone. "We will talk about the pipeline of further products which will extend the business and make this a strong niche pharmaceuticals business which is here for the long term". So, its August, summer will be fading fast - has anyone heard of any further products?

He could be saving it for...wait for it...Barcelona!

The biggest mistake was that they hired young, inexperienced people into positions, selling a medication that by its very nature was complex and required seasoned mature professionals. The managers they hired were and remain inept. Looks, cheerleaders, immature frat boys with no experience in the pharma industry or damn little, aren't going to cut it and they don't know shit about how to hire or manage someone. Why? because they are immature themselves can't manage their own behavior, let alone a group of pathetically poor choices. When faced with how to deal one of their immature bad hires, they begin an inappropriate relationship with them in which they become the protector. The bad inept immature hire then uses their position to shit on people they feel are or may become a threat to their relationship with their protector-Daddy. The manager uses their bad hire to rat out others and do things for them that are grossly inappropriate. If you happened to befriend one of these seriously inept imature bad hires, watch your back. You are going to get shit on, screwed and chewed up, because one thing the immature bad hire is good at, is lying and manipulating. Thats right, you'll get nothing but a good throat slashing and all because you befriended someone who appeared helpless. Don't let this happen to you.

The biggest mistake was that they hired young, inexperienced people into positions, selling a medication that by its very nature was complex and required seasoned mature professionals. The managers they hired were and remain inept. Looks, cheerleaders, immature frat boys with no experience in the pharma industry or damn little, aren't going to cut it and they don't know shit about how to hire or manage someone. Why? because they are immature themselves can't manage their own behavior, let alone a group of pathetically poor choices. When faced with how to deal one of their immature bad hires, they begin an inappropriate relationship with them in which they become the protector. The bad inept immature hire then uses their position to shit on people they feel are or may become a threat to their relationship with their protector-Daddy. The manager uses their bad hire to rat out others and do things for them that are grossly inappropriate. If you happened to befriend one of these seriously inept imature bad hires, watch your back. You are going to get shit on, screwed and chewed up, because one thing the immature bad hire is good at, is lying and manipulating. Thats right, you'll get nothing but a good throat slashing and all because you befriended someone who appeared helpless. Don't let this happen to you.

wow I am glad I don't work in your business area...

as for the bonus plan, if you can't figure this one out you need to be fired. if you can't grow your Film share by 2% to reach 100% attainment (which a fucking monkey can do) then you need the boot. if you haven't reached at least 50% Film share by now (Massachusetts excluded, you guys get hosed), then GTFO. It's not that hard, folks. Patients get the shit for FREE basically. If you can't convince a doc to switch over, then you don't deserve this job.

Damn, to the above poster...what a %$@&! droid you are. Tell me, did you get that spinctered growing up or did you pursue learning how to be an anus alter in life? OP was pointing out that most of our so-called managers are shameless idiots who exploit their bad hires and create suck ups who turn around and exploit their co-worikers. You, on the other hand, spun off onto planet whack and tried to use it to support your twisted point, which had nothing to do with the OP. Tell me, WTF are you snorting? You keep up that kind of babble and someones going to lock your ass up. Go check yourself, freak.