The biggest mistake was that they hired young, inexperienced people into positions, selling a medication that by its very nature was complex and required seasoned mature professionals. The managers they hired were and remain inept. Looks, cheerleaders, immature frat boys with no experience in the pharma industry or damn little, aren't going to cut it and they don't know shit about how to hire or manage someone. Why? because they are immature themselves can't manage their own behavior, let alone a group of pathetically poor choices. When faced with how to deal one of their immature bad hires, they begin an inappropriate relationship with them in which they become the protector. The bad inept immature hire then uses their position to shit on people they feel are or may become a threat to their relationship with their protector-Daddy. The manager uses their bad hire to rat out others and do things for them that are grossly inappropriate. If you happened to befriend one of these seriously inept imature bad hires, watch your back. You are going to get shit on, screwed and chewed up, because one thing the immature bad hire is good at, is lying and manipulating. Thats right, you'll get nothing but a good throat slashing and all because you befriended someone who appeared helpless. Don't let this happen to you.