RB pulled


is anyone hearing we’ve pulled RB from planned launch? i know 3 reps named in lawsuits by states suing the company and they were told that the states would take everything, saving and home and put them in jail how is company protecting is?

no truth to being pulled but also making the thing seems to be some kind of issue and is the cause for all the delays they are still planning for fall but drug sticking and supply will be tight

seriously. How can you people feel good about selling another opioid?? Is this what your life is about? Does this make you proud when you get up every morning? Enjoy the paycheck. Disgusting.

seriously. How can you people feel good about selling another opioid?? Is this what your life is about? Does this make you proud when you get up every morning? Enjoy the paycheck. Disgusting.

seriously. How can you feel good about trolling a CF message board?? Is this what your life is about? Does this make you proud when you get up every morning? Enjoy life as a keyboard warrior troll. Disgusting.

When you have a friend die from an opioid overdose you go to the site where people sell them. Have a great Thanksgiving.
I feel sorry for your friend. Not because they died of an OD but because they had a friend dumb enough to believe a company launching 2 ABUSE-DETERRENT opioids are to blame for said friends death. Moron.