Rated as #1 Pharma Employer by McKinsey


Latest McKinsey survey on pharmaceutical employment ranks Mallinckrodt as the #1 "fast track specialty pharmacy employer". Employee survey shows top scores for "promoted on merit", "opportunity for career development", and "best late stage pipeline".

Latest McKinsey survey on pharmaceutical employment ranks Mallinckrodt as the #1 "fast track specialty pharmacy employer". Employee survey shows top scores for "promoted on merit", "opportunity for career development", and "best late stage pipeline".

Lets see these idiots from Mckensey work here for a few months and see what they say!

Latest McKinsey survey on pharmaceutical employment ranks Mallinckrodt as the #1 "fast track specialty pharmacy employer". Employee survey shows top scores for "promoted on merit", "opportunity for career development", and "best late stage pipeline".

Why do you post stuff like this to get people fired up? That survey is never accurate and obviously wrong in this case. Anyone can tell you that. Look at SC. Promoted on merit? Yeah, right :(. I think it would be hilarious To see SC try to sell any product to a physician. She and others have no idea what it is like out in the field. One thing for sure, it would rightfully take her over-.inflated ego down a few notches.

Why do you post stuff like this to get people fired up? That survey is never accurate and obviously wrong in this case. Anyone can tell you that. Look at SC. Promoted on merit? Yeah, right :(. I think it would be hilarious To see SC try to sell any product to a physician. She and others have no idea what it is like out in the field. One thing for sure, it would rightfully take her over-.inflated ego down a few notches.

You losers are all nut filled turds. Bullshit, SC is a closer. She can sell your xxr crap.

You losers are all nut filled turds. Bullshit, SC is a closer. She can sell your xxr crap.

Again, I know you trying to get everyone riled up, but SC couldn't sell herself out of a paper bag. Interestingly enough, in many cases, managers have never has great sales track records which is odd. Many have never won awards and have been average at best...but then they feel they have the expertise to coach and critique others on their sales. It's one big laugh.

One thing for sure, however, is that SC has never had a sales background. She was never a sales person, but yet she leads salespeople and not only that but does it with fear? If anyone is upper management had any ounce of brains all they would need to do is anonymously survey all the field reps and they would say she is a b*tch and leads by fear. This tactic never works and decreases morale/sales and increases turnover.

The other poster had it right. These idiots should put their money where their mouth is. What's pathetic is their presentations at these meeting have been practiced over and over again and it shows nothing more than a rehearsal. They have their TV monitors telling what to say and don't have what it takes to get up and make a presentation. Something sales reps do everyday. I challenge SC to do a role play sales call on either Xartemis or Ofirmev and she would epically fail. The truth is, she wouldn't be liked in her imaginary territory. We all know most offices can spot a fake and insincere person. I'd love to see her backed in a corner and a pharmacists or surgeon asking her "show me one head to head oral versus IV comparison study". She would be a complete deer in headlights. I have never respected this woman and she is also a bully. I've learned in life that mean people like her will get their karma eventually.

This company expects all these unrealistic sales goals for 2015. So what is underlying reason for this? There is so much information they will never tell us.

Again, I know you trying to get everyone riled up, but SC couldn't sell herself out of a paper bag. Interestingly enough, in many cases, managers have never has great sales track records which is odd. Many have never won awards and have been average at best...but then they feel they have the expertise to coach and critique others on their sales. It's one big laugh.

One thing for sure, however, is that SC has never had a sales background. She was never a sales person, but yet she leads salespeople and not only that but does it with fear? If anyone is upper management had any ounce of brains all they would need to do is anonymously survey all the field reps and they would say she is a b*tch and leads by fear. This tactic never works and decreases morale/sales and increases turnover.

The other poster had it right. These idiots should put their money where their mouth is. What's pathetic is their presentations at these meeting have been practiced over and over again and it shows nothing more than a rehearsal. They have their TV monitors telling what to say and don't have what it takes to get up and make a presentation. Something sales reps do everyday. I challenge SC to do a role play sales call on either Xartemis or Ofirmev and she would epically fail. The truth is, she wouldn't be liked in her imaginary territory. We all know most offices can spot a fake and insincere person. I'd love to see her backed in a corner and a pharmacists or surgeon asking her "show me one head to head oral versus IV comparison study". She would be a complete deer in headlights. I have never respected this woman and she is also a bully. I've learned in life that mean people like her will get their karma eventually.

This company expects all these unrealistic sales goals for 2015. So what is underlying reason for this? There is so much information they will never tell us.

Their goal is to sell Mallinckrodt and walk away with a lot of money. Think about it.

Latest McKinsey survey on pharmaceutical employment ranks Mallinckrodt as the #1 "fast track specialty pharmacy employer". Employee survey shows top scores for "promoted on merit", "opportunity for career development", and "best late stage pipeline".

Excuse me while I put my index finger down my throat.

When you have to hold up a recognition piece to show what you can do....your credibility is shot. IF the McKinnsy thing is true, you can bet they are deep into the MNK budget.

Per SC? She is like they say in Texas, "Tall hat, no cattle..." It's all show.

Catch words with no meaning and reorganize every time you approach failure.

When she introduced herself to the sales force earlier this year at the national meeting, (Orlando?) she showed us pictures of her kids and told stories about them. She did not smile for 15 minutes talking about her own children. How cold is that...She manages with the same charm and warmth.

Run Forrest! Run...