Rate Orthofix vs Competition


I am considering a position with this company. How does it compare to the competition? Products, Pay, Reputation? Any help will be appreciated. In fact I am paying $50 for each response I deem useful.

Orthofix is competitive to an extent. You'll be selling bone stims as well as the OR devices. The bone stims are very effective, and a good product. However, they are a relationship sale. The devices are good, but you have to bust your tail to sell them. You'll be going up against Synthes, Stryker, EBI, and Smith and Nephew. Obviously, Orthofix doesn't have the rep these companies have. Once you get your territory up and running, you'll be good to go though.

Orthofix pays well. Right now the commission structure is at about 20% commission. The average territory is pulling in around $40 - $50,000 in revenue. That works out to about a $9,000 pay check each month. Sometimes more.

Orthofix lost their President and VP of Mgd. Care as well as their National Sales Manager due to the influx of Boston Scientific executives. Company has had a steady increase in revenues over the last ten years, but as I said a lot of upper executives have left. It may not be the same company it used to.

The new management seems to be very aggressive with the direction of the company. They have launched several new trauma products, and are trying very hard to get into that trauma arena. There are some problems with the new products (angle of the volar plating system, and instruments for new IM Troch nail), however they are working them out with newer generations..... It will be interesting to see where they go in the near future.

They offer a guarantee. It's usually $48,000 for the first year, $4,000 a month. I believe it is somewhat negotiable. Orthofix is a decent start into the medical device field.

Or for that matter, why would a competent sales pro be worried about a base in general?? I have been selling device and medical software for 4 years and, like any other decent sales pro, never rely on the base pay to generate my income.

Anyway, tt seems that OrthoFix would be a good choice for someone like me who is looking to enter the surgical field... learn as much as possible in training with a low income, but reap the rewards once the territory opens up.

Just pay your dues now so you can benefit from the opportunity later. Speaking of, is OrthoFix a good long term choice or is it more of a springboard into other opps?

Thanks again!

Because a "COMPETENT" device rep has choices and can pick and choose
whom they want to work for and what is the best fit for them. Are you telling me you have never worked for a company that promised one thing but the real earning opportunity turned out to be something completely different? If so – I question your actual experience in direct sales. Could it be you are in sales management??? As sales professionals – we all know we can TRUST what the hiring manager says! HA! I believe in controlling my financial exposure. If you are “competent” and happy with where you are – great! Don’t question my choices based on what your options were!

I've sold ortho devices for years and will tell you. If you are just looking to get into the business than yes orthofix would be a good company for you. I would not stay there long term they are a bottom tier company with some halfway decent products but they are pretty much non existent in the big picture.

Worked for Orthofix for a 10 months before moving on to Synthes for the last several years. Orthofix is a B level player. I enjoyed my time at Orthofix but got tired of schlepping Bone Stims. It was becoming a real focus and I wanted to spend more time in the OR.

Orthofix is competitive to an extent. You'll be selling bone stims as well as the OR devices. The bone stims are very effective, and a good product. However, they are a relationship sale. The devices are good, but you have to bust your tail to sell them. You'll be going up against Synthes, Stryker, EBI, and Smith and Nephew. Obviously, Orthofix doesn't have the rep these companies have. Once you get your territory up and running, you'll be good to go though.

Orthofix pays well. Right now the commission structure is at about 20% commission. The average territory is pulling in around $40 - $50,000 in revenue. That works out to about a $9,000 pay check each month. Sometimes more.

Nosey competitor seeing this. Most of us, average about 13% on L BS. Man o man. But many of us want out' (future not stable.)