Rare Disease

anyone help
Run as fast as you can from this company but if you are unemployed I can understand then use this opportunity as only a stepping stone to get out as fast as you can.

You will be treated like a POS, i-pads, micro-management, no one trusts anyone anymore, pharma rep mentality, amazing quotas means no one is making the money that use to be earned, mother Sanofi will be certain to put the breaks on anyone that is to the right of the bell curve and do enjoy your Chevy Equinox/Ford Focus that you have to pay for, really you have to pay for your company car. I am trying to get out of here ASAP seeing who they are hiring now, all big pharma. with an entitlement attitude, what ever happened to "check your attitude at the door mentality"

Genetic disease division is a joke-- very poorly managed from the top. They don't give you what you need to do your job, spend the money on crap, and then wonder why the division can't meet its goals and people are leaving in droves. They keep adding more unnecessary people who will be just as ineffective because they will not have what they need either.

Genetic disease division is a joke-- very poorly managed from the top. They don't give you what you need to do your job, spend the money on crap, and then wonder why the division can't meet its goals and people are leaving in droves. They keep adding more unnecessary people who will be just as ineffective because they will not have what they need either.

Agreed, what do you expect from managers and reps. who have done very little for 20 years and now mother Sanofi wants accountability from a group that doesn't know how to be accountable. Why they are leaving in droves you may ask, because now they have to actually do something and God forbid it may include selling something which is something the remaining reps. don't know how to do.

Agreed, what do you expect from managers and reps. who have done very little for 20 years and now mother Sanofi wants accountability from a group that doesn't know how to be accountable. Why they are leaving in droves you may ask, because now they have to actually do something and God forbid it may include selling something which is something the remaining reps. don't know how to do.

The world's best sales person could not move business in this division because it is so poorly managed.

Every sales person here is now so restricted by compliance because leadership can't explain to legal why the role is fundamentally different from other pharma sales jobs-- probably because leadership never worked when they were in the field years ago.

All of the field and operations people are busy doing nonsense paperwork because upper management doesn't know how to lead and can't seem to understand in plain english the feedback they have been given about what people need to be effective in their jobs.

The world's best sales person could not move business in this division because it is so poorly managed.

Every sales person here is now so restricted by compliance because leadership can't explain to legal why the role is fundamentally different from other pharma sales jobs-- probably because leadership never worked when they were in the field years ago.

All of the field and operations people are busy doing nonsense paperwork because upper management doesn't know how to lead and can't seem to understand in plain english the feedback they have been given about what people need to be effective in their jobs.

Sales persons? Giving more credit than what is appropriate, try, waiting for the phone to ring persons or having real sales reps. from other divisions find cases for your "sales persons" and your "sales persons" take all of the credit, and that is so fundamentally different from other sales jobs?
Why didn't you leave for NPS? Oh, wait I know, you would have had to actually sell which is against your fundamentals.