Rare disease division will be decimated


Two separate sales forces selling 2 different drugs in the same rare disease market. Abbvie will see that as low hanging fruit in cost cutting after the buyout. I dreaded this as the way this division was handled after we bought ViroPharma was rediculous.

Start looking for jobs BEFORE you need to!

If you are so smart you should have seen this happening like the rest of us already did. Just stick around for the money until we get cut loose. We'll have no problems finding jobs.

Both drugs appear to be selling pretty well, and with only 50-60 reps in total selling both drugs there really isn't much savings that would come from combining into a single field force. I think Shire knows what they are doing. Guess we'll see if AbbVie does too.

There are def savings by combining the two. Less sr mgmt needed, same systems, less ops people to manage diff systems and processes, etc.... OneShire! We are sooooo bad at integrations

Two separate sales forces selling 2 different drugs in the same rare disease market. Abbvie will see that as low hanging fruit in cost cutting after the buyout. I dreaded this as the way this division was handled after we bought ViroPharma was rediculous.

Start looking for jobs BEFORE you need to!

WRONG! Perry is now going to run division!!!!!!