Rankings:Always Motivating?


Quick question for the group: In sales it is widely believed that posting team or sales force rankings is motivating particularly for those in the middle or bottom. However, is this really true? In thinking about sending out QTD sales figures, I thought about the effect it might have on members of my team. I have 4 veterans (4+ years) and 4 rookies (<1 year). While each is a competitive animal, I wonder if sometimes, especially in this competitive environment where reps are dealing with so much more than in the past when the "conventional wisdom" came to be, if the rankings may actually de-motivate some whom I am wanting to reach. My thought is that an individual who feels that they are doing the best they can, and have been checking all the right boxes, would feel even more beaten down. In a management culture where we try to fix what's wrong as opposed to maximizing what is right, are rankings an effective method? Or am I just too soft?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

Interesting question. I think anyone who is exposed in front of their peers as "underperforming" would react differently depending on their tenure and territory dynamics. But if you are a real BSX RM you could ask your leadership coach.

I am not a BSX RM, but with a similar sized company and culture model. I wrote here and at a couple other companies to get a variety of opinions. As for the "under-performers", my thought is that exposing them or rather embarrassing them is not the most effective way to motivate for change. Of course if the goal was to have them perform or leave, I can think of 10 other ways to do that in a more efficient and considerate way.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

Quick question for the group: In sales it is widely believed that posting team or sales force rankings is motivating particularly for those in the middle or bottom. However, is this really true? In thinking about sending out QTD sales figures, I thought about the effect it might have on members of my team. I have 4 veterans (4+ years) and 4 rookies (<1 year). While each is a competitive animal, I wonder if sometimes, especially in this competitive environment where reps are dealing with so much more than in the past when the "conventional wisdom" came to be, if the rankings may actually de-motivate some whom I am wanting to reach. My thought is that an individual who feels that they are doing the best they can, and have been checking all the right boxes, would feel even more beaten down. In a management culture where we try to fix what's wrong as opposed to maximizing what is right, are rankings an effective method? Or am I just too soft?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

Small sales teams usually have a pretty good idea of where they stand anyhow, and sometimes the truth has a way of just putting it out there and preventing the rumor mil from eroding morale in the ways it does (ironic comment for CafePharma).

I believe the Type A personalities that succeed in this business will see their rankings for what they are, and not mope. In fact, I believe all the pyscho-babble that goes in to explaining why not posting numbers would protect the bottom of the pack would be regarded by most as namby pamby. When I start at the bottom, I take heart in the fact that at the year mark I've moved up two spots. I take more heart in the fact that in another 6 months I've moved into the Top 5....these small victories need to be celebrated - even if it is just with the man in the mirror.

The folks who are offended probably get offended when an EP tells them their compny sucks, too. You have to be able to resist the urge to personalize this stuff to the point that it paralyzes you.

Rankings are fine IF and only IF the DM or RSM takes the time to get to know what hurdles the individuals are facing. When I was a rep, I loved it when I would get asked, "Why aren't we getting business from Dr. Whoever." "Well, you don't like my answer that he trained with Company X and he is 100% loyal to them." I think it is a good idea for RMs to go right to the horse's mouth and here it directly. It isn't really fair to have your reps banging their heads against a wall to get nowhere with a doc that has absolutely no intention of giving them a chance ever but they will. They will walk into that wall everyday to just to move up the list.

Are you kidding with that response? If I were still an RM with BSC and you were my rep Id fire you. Seriously? Because a doctor trained with another company you are convinced that he will NEVER give you the business? You get paid to SELL, not take orders from doctors Guidant may have trained. If thats your mentality and you have an excuse for every doc who doesnt implant - you should be out of the job. Great reps find a way to win over customers, change their mindsets and get the business. Your are in the big leagues here, if your previous bosses took shit like that as an explanation for being at the bottom - go back and pray they hire you back

Rankings are fine IF and only IF the DM or RSM takes the time to get to know what hurdles the individuals are facing. When I was a rep, I loved it when I would get asked, "Why aren't we getting business from Dr. Whoever." "Well, you don't like my answer that he trained with Company X and he is 100% loyal to them." I think it is a good idea for RMs to go right to the horse's mouth and here it directly. It isn't really fair to have your reps banging their heads against a wall to get nowhere with a doc that has absolutely no intention of giving them a chance ever but they will. They will walk into that wall everyday to just to move up the list.

With all due respect. that is why we are in sales. We are not going to convert EVERYONE...but we can convert people that were trained on other products. It happens every day. Please don't use that as an excuse. If sales were that easy....everyone would be doing it!