Random Post Employment Drug testing

Congratulations, you just triggered a company wide drug test.

Should be of no issue. If you are using, then you deserve the hassle. States can do what they need to do for revenue purposes. Illicit drug use is still a federal crime. You are in the Pharma Biz, you should know the law and the consequences.

How would a post employment drug test even work? They barely do an exit interview. What a clown show this company continues to be. You could be prescribed Valium and be driving. That’s ok? But thc which is legal to purchase in many states (like alcohol) that’s the complaint here??

I actually don’t know the answer to the OP question. However, here are my thoughts:
1) WHY are you’re saying, “Post Employment”?
Are you afraid you’re getting fired? Did you get a DUI in the fleet car and not report to your RSM (and toxicology report exist)? Did you get arrested committing a crime of which a toxicology report exists? Are you an addict of anything illegal and do something stupid on company time, in an office which would lead you to think you’re GOING to get fired?

I can’t imagine getting a POST employment drug screen unless SUN is making the decision to let you go based on any of the above or something else similar to that.....