Rally the troops

BL execs are so f-ing inept, they are a total joke. So far behind Alcon, Allergan, and ISTA it hurts. Do you realize that by the time you can actually cash out your IPO shares it will be worth .20 cents on the dollar according to financial analysts. I have never met a bigger group of liars than the BL team or more arrogant, you guys don't have a pot to piss in but you walk around like you're running GSK

Ask not what your company can do for you, ask what you can do for your company.

Screw you!!! I have never posted and I can't help it on this one. Where are all the frickin screw you to KK posts these days? Management by sheer FEAR.....she SUCKS! We work our asses off for you and you call out the bad AND great reps to HQ. Sick to SH*T of it. Reward the damn sales force for once! I actually used to be proud to work for this company and they do NOT recognize loyalty. F+cK all of upper management. You treat us like DOGS. I have more character than all of you combined. GIMME a REASON not to sue the crud out of u for my BZ goals....there is not enough bacterial conjunctivitis in my whole damn state to justify what you have goaled me on and what I am bringing in to pay YOU!!! See you in court. I have HAD IT!

Screw PS and KK. May they all get payback in one form or the other for what they have done to so many people that have worked hard at this company. It's transparent that they were put in to their positions by their corporate buddies, they remain in league with them, and they are just the puppets for what Freddie and Warburg want to happen. Nobody is safe from them... look at corporate office, R&D, and the massive turnover of ranks. Look at Pino, who used to be the Eastern Director. He was canned. Managers, reps, etc. This company is the most nepotistic I've ever seen in my career. They allow complete idiots to remain in their positions as long as they carry on the corporate bidding- like HR. There is such a disconnect of communication that it is hilarious. This company is structured on the buddy system so much that when you finally see the network of friends leave for other opportunities, you'll know that B+Hell is ready for sale. So party on, you B+Hell corporate leeches- including certain managers and reps. Those of you doing wrong to others: no matter how you pray or what you invent your facade to be, deep inside you'll know that you have a rotten core. Let your family and friends and social systems buy into what a great person you are. It's only a matter of time before that rotten core spreads throughout your being and casts a shadow on your self-perceived accomplishments.

Screw you!!! I have never posted and I can't help it on this one. Where are all the frickin screw you to KK posts these days? Management by sheer FEAR.....she SUCKS! We work our asses off for you and you call out the bad AND great reps to HQ. Sick to SH*T of it. Reward the damn sales force for once! I actually used to be proud to work for this company and they do NOT recognize loyalty. F+cK all of upper management. You treat us like DOGS. I have more character than all of you combined. GIMME a REASON not to sue the crud out of u for my BZ goals....there is not enough bacterial conjunctivitis in my whole damn state to justify what you have goaled me on and what I am bringing in to pay YOU!!! See you in court. I have HAD IT!
