

Why is it that we get 3% pay increases but Roche gets 6%? Don't our expenses go up just like theirs? I'm not saying we aren't paid well but, if the company deserves 6% why don't we?

You folks still refuse to face reality. A Oller established company invested in you, nurtured you and bought you. There were many people from Nancy years past who had various pensions and pay scales. Many of them were let yo to keep Genentech legacy happy. Get used to different pensions and raises until all involved are gone or on an even keel. Aldo get used to the fact that you are now a multinational public company that had shareholder accountability. Time to grow up.

You folks still refuse to face reality. A Oller established company invested in you, nurtured you and bought you. There were many people from Nancy years past who had various pensions and pay scales. Many of them were let yo to keep Genentech legacy happy. Get used to different pensions and raises until all involved are gone or on an even keel. Aldo get used to the fact that you are now a multinational public company that had shareholder accountability. Time to grow up.

Roche would be a mere shadow of itself if it weren't for Genentech science. Our first infusion of money came from right here in Silicon Valley, not Switzerland. Roche is damn fortunate they no longer have to rely on their chemical based products to survive. And we did have shareholder accountability when our stock was traded under both the GNE and then DNA symbols. We nurtured ourselves and were doing quite well under Art. Losing him was the worst thing that happened to Genentech. After the merger of course.

Oh, come on with the Art adulation. He did nurture the company and led it quite well. Art saw the writing on the wall many years ago. To grow and maintain its presence, Genentech had to become a real company posting real profits and reporting to real shareholders on a quarterly basis. He left because he planned it and took the money as he should. So did all the others as soon as they could. Time to grow up and move on.

Roche would be a mere shadow of itself if it weren't for Genentech science. Our first infusion of money came from right here in Silicon Valley, not Switzerland. Roche is damn fortunate they no longer have to rely on their chemical based products to survive. And we did have shareholder accountability when our stock was traded under both the GNE and then DNA symbols. We nurtured ourselves and were doing quite well under Art. Losing him was the worst thing that happened to Genentech. After the merger of course.

OK, again fooling yourself. You need to look at the history of this company which is on our website. Genetech started out as a small company selling growth hormone; no real money in that. That fact is that when genentech was a mere infant days old, Roche made a very risky investment in the company and bankrolled it. Just check the history (google ssearch, etc). 30 years ago, or so, roche owned 100% of genetech stock; there were no cancer drugs, no eye drugs, no asthma, no nothing but Hgh. Roche sold about 51% of the stock in 1999, to turn a profit, and retained full rights to purchase the company outright until around 2007 which they did.

You see, you are partially correct, except their is no longer a corporation called Genentech; it is literally out of business. Genentech exists as a fancy brand name in the US, but it is clearly Roche. You are right when you say that most of the revenue is generated from "genentech" products, but genetnech is Roche. Without Roche money over the last 30 years, genentech never would have had the freedom to be a commercially unviable entity, with the freedom to simply research.

You sound like the guy who is unemployed, and whose wife works a second job to put him through medical school or law school. He pays no expense, and his wife tells him to just focus on his studies. He gradduates cum laude, becomes a reknown surgeon, then tells his wife "without me you would be nothing". The reality is it was only becuase of his wife, that he could be where he is today. Such is the story of Genentech!

This is not unique; there are many small biotechs, that exist only because of the risk taken on by larger companies. For example, Regeneron is a very hot company, that did not even have a product for 25 years; they were bankrolled, and only survive today because of the investment from Sanofi for those decades. Now they have a hot near term pipeline, and are kicking Lucentis butt.

Without Roche money, Genetech would have never survived, unless of course their workers would have worked for free, utilities and offices were free, etc. They simply did not have the money.

Who caters? I barely left the house in 2014 and received over 180k in base and bonus!

I work for Roche in sales. I received a 5% merit increase on my $60,000 sales job. Our division could only dream of breaking $100K. Our yearly bonus maxes out at $25K. Some people on our team have second jobs out of necessity. And all management bragged about at NSM was their $40mm surplus in revenue. It was uncomfortable to say the least.

I work for Roche in sales. I received a 5% merit increase on my $60,000 sales job. Our division could only dream of breaking $100K. Our yearly bonus maxes out at $25K. Some people on our team have second jobs out of necessity. And all management bragged about at NSM was their $40mm surplus in revenue. It was uncomfortable to say the least.

Roche homey, you are blowing smoke up our A$$.

One of my division co workers at Genentech made almost 60k in bonus the first half of 2014. She was printing scratch in the basement. Two jobs, for real? How about two major vacations each year courtesy of Uncle Genentech, Europe and the Carribean. Heck, my company car at Genentech topped 60k.

What is uncomfortable? You got to come straight with Momma Roche and tell her to treat her home boy straight up, like Uncle Genentech. The Uncle believes in work optional pay. Only want to work 5 days this month, no problem. The ATMs in Cancer Centers continue to produce.