Raise for the women?


Considering that the women have won a lawsuit alleging that they were paid less than the men, have they received an across the board raise as yet? It would make sense that HR would in an attempt to mitigate any further such cases would initiate such a raise.

Just curious.

If anything, they have done all they can possibly do to make sure we continue to earn less each year in sales. With only a 2% merit increase, unrealistic goals, that doesn't even keep up with the cost of living! I can't speak for all areas, but it is a fact that mostly men in the State of Indiana are given the opportunity for advancement. Sure we have a couple of token women in management, but there are no new opportunities. Novartis is NOT the place to be.

Don't forget the overtime they owe. If you had a program this year, they owe you overtime
Did anyone notice your pay statement use to say 37.5 HR worked per week, now it says. 40......hmmmm.