R4 Acquisition


So BAS passed on Semprus because it was never going to get FDA approval and now, given that it has NO coating strategy, buys R4? LOL. BAS, do you realize that TeleFlex is laughing at your right now? Do you realize that R4 was looked at by every PICC company and all passed because it sucks? This is classic BAS arrogance. And now BAS is trying to get into acute CVCs? Who is leading who? TeleFlex or BAS? TFX up 25% in the past year...BCR 6%. What ever happend to the highly touted Covert Coating? That Jiaye is an acquisition ninja. Missed it by a mile.

So BAS passed on Semprus because it was never going to get FDA approval and now, given that it has NO coating strategy, buys R4? LOL. BAS, do you realize that TeleFlex is laughing at your right now? Do you realize that R4 was looked at by every PICC company and all passed because it sucks? This is classic BAS arrogance. And now BAS is trying to get into acute CVCs? Who is leading who? TeleFlex or BAS? TFX up 25% in the past year...BCR 6%. What ever happend to the highly touted Covert Coating? That Jiaye is an acquisition ninja. Missed it by a mile.

this is what seperates BAS from Teleflex, BAS will make this coating work and gain market share regardless if other copmanies thinks it "sucks". also if BAS is coming out with a CVC, arrow has no more leg to stand on and will be elminated from the hospital all together. it sounds like you are nervous about the future of Teleflex, also Teleflex did grow last year but not in this market.

I am not nervous at all. Wrap yourself in that warm fuzzy blanket called R4, go to sleep, and dream about Covert, because that is all it is...a dream. Good luck in going after acute CVCs too. You have no antimicrobial coating with any type of claim or study. So who is afraid of whom? A company that can't get a coating through the FDA, buys a poor R4 technology, and now is looking to try and take share from acute CVCs from the dominant market leader? I think Bard's time would be better spent stopping the leaks from its management board than trying to pretend it is an innovative leader. Reading through these boards it is apparent Bard has a morale and moral problem.

I am not nervous at all. Wrap yourself in that warm fuzzy blanket called R4, go to sleep, and dream about Covert, because that is all it is...a dream. Good luck in going after acute CVCs too. You have no antimicrobial coating with any type of claim or study. So who is afraid of whom? A company that can't get a coating through the FDA, buys a poor R4 technology, and now is looking to try and take share from acute CVCs from the dominant market leader? I think Bard's time would be better spent stopping the leaks from its management board than trying to pretend it is an innovative leader. Reading through these boards it is apparent Bard has a morale and moral problem.

OK, so we now know you work for Teleflex, you wouldn't be on Bard's board if you weren't concenred. I am a Bard employee and have never once looked at a Teleflex board. Talk is cheap, the only thing we can do is circle back in about a year and see where both of these companies are in the market. Good luck to you, I wish you the best.

You seem so certain. Keep telling yourself I work for Teleflex. Not sure a Teleflex employee would know that the acute CVC is launching at best Q4 2013 but more likely Q1 2014 and will not have a coating at launch. Shocker, I know. No coating. BAS management board needs to stop the leaks...

You seem so certain. Keep telling yourself I work for Teleflex. Not sure a Teleflex employee would know that the acute CVC is launching at best Q4 2013 but more likely Q1 2014 and will not have a coating at launch. Shocker, I know. No coating. BAS management board needs to stop the leaks...

I'm not sure if you are checking your comments, you accuse BAS of having leaks, well if there are leaks, why can't a Teleflex employee know about it? I am confused by your whole point in this chain of blogs. If you work for Bard then you clearly are unhappy (probably are doing terrible in rankings) you should leave the company and go work for someone that launches products more to your liking. There is a simple solution to your issues, either leave Bard because you dont believe in the company or try to join Bard because you realize they are going to continue to gain market share in the coming years. Either way, let's stop the chit chat and see how the market plays out, this way we dont have to go back and forth on this ridiculous website, I wish you the best AGAIN.

First off:
Do coatings actually work? That is the bigger question? Found out today the first coatings launched in 1992. My we got to zero so fast with all those coatings. Not!
Major infection rate declines for CVC's in 2009 and not due to coatings. 56% reduction in infection rate in ICU and 78% reduction in one organism Staph from the skin.
Coatings might not be all that they were touted to be.
I think the bundle is what works as the bundle was touted beginning 2005 and coatings did nothing inb comparison to the bundle, from 1992 - 2005 in reality.
New study just posted 2012 done on coated and non coated CVC's and shows that there was no difference in infection when bundle used. Surprise! You can find this study cited in the Joint Commission Mongraph 2012 which make the statement that coatings need to be re-evaluated.
Bard has great clinical educators. Education has been well supported in the literature to work. Actually better than coatings.
almost 100% of PICC market does not use a coating and there are lots of under 1/1,000 catheter days out there or zero. Really low rates and no coatings. Another surprise!

Does it really matter if coatings work or don't work? All that matters is we need a fricking coating to compete. I lose business at most of my accts bc docs are growing more and more afraid of ordering piccs bc if the infection risks and the money it now costs them. If we had a coating my picc sales would actually be up with an increased ASP. Someone seriously needs to be held accountable for this. We are now on par with Teleflex/arrow not having a reverse taper. If they did to accompany their coating we would be in big trouble. Seriously spary Lysol on a picc and call it good for drying out loud