Who is the most absurd pencil pusher manager that you know? There are great managers, ok managers and corporate drone managers. Who is the worst in your opinion?
Who is the most absurd pencil pusher manager that you know? There are great managers, ok managers and corporate drone managers. Who is the worst in your opinion?
I don’t know who it is but I heard a manager in Dallas took a rep to a liquor store during a ride along. Place is a dumpster fire and it’s funny because they think they are leaders.
I don’t know who it is but I heard a manager in Dallas took a rep to a liquor store during a ride along. Place is a dumpster fire and it’s funny because they think they are leaders.
It’s Houston not Dallas but yes I heard the same thing. He’s a DEI that was hired by Hartman so they won’t do anything until the company gets sued or fined. R&I PC will have a lot of turnover in 2025, AZ will probably hire back all of the specialty reps they laid off lol
Who is the most absurd pencil pusher manager that you know? There are great managers, ok managers and corporate drone managers. Who is the worst in your opinion?
I just laugh at the stupid posts from our "sales" reps complaining. We should rename you to lunch caterers. My middle school child can manage all of you!
It’s Houston not Dallas but yes I heard the same thing. He’s a DEI that was hired by Hartman so they won’t do anything until the company gets sued or fined. R&I PC will have a lot of turnover in 2025, AZ will probably hire back all of the specialty reps they laid off lol
The whole divisions is toxic as hell. Did anyone else feel gaslighted when Hartman was talking about the culture from the pulse results? We all know it’s a lie, but I guess it reaffirms his ego if he thinks he can pull one over on us to make those who feel different think they’re isolated.
My manager will send you a one-on-one email about not communicating enough on team call that lasts an hour and half about nothing. Also tracks calls M-F.
My manager will send you a one-on-one email about not communicating enough on team call that lasts an hour and half about nothing. Also tracks calls M-F.