R & D Reorganization

CR&D is as useful as a poopy flavored lollipop.

CR&D gets rewarded after 10 years of producing nothing but crap small molecules: ZERO approvals (Amgen in-licensed the only approved small molecule cinacalcet) and gets to rule over protein sciences with two layers of CR&D oversight, what a slap in the face to protein sciences.

CR&D's arrogance is going to kill the therapeutic engine, if anybody can fu*% up a therapeutic protein it is CR&D. The only thing CR&D has they've proven is they are good at whining, talking, and rarely doing their job which is delivering results.

Note to CR&D stop pretending you know how to develop molecules or have any concept of biology or pharamacology, listen to the experts in the TAs, if you do and work WITH the TEAM you can actually make a drug instead the crap you have been churning out for a decade.

the D stands for "disorganized' i say blew the whole thing up and start all over, they all suck, 15 people to do one job and they screw that up. if they were doctors practicing in the real world they'd be out of business in about a week and be sued for malpractice routinely, all they ever do is feel. then they whine about losing money, boo-hoo amgen just cares about investors, yeah, dumb-asses, it's called a business. go back to some shit-hole community college and bore your students to tears for the next 20 or 30 years.

How does this reorg matter? some brilliant scientists and leaders from PS were sacrificed in this power race. Why would one feel sorry for this reorg. For investors it is still a great biotech company, who would care what is happening in research. Anyone cares. Knock, knock?