How many R&D people have been let go?
How many R&D people have been let go?
Lately, big push to get new products out the door. Need everyone we got to make it happen.
Head of Reg, Dir pharma, probably more recently.
If things were going well in Pharma and Vision Care Research these people would not be gone. This year is a defining year for R&D. It has to show that it can deliver on the promised products this year. If it does not WP or the next owner of this company is not going to support it.
should read "or the next owners of these products....." The products will probably be sold off and the personnel will be cut loose. This is the current trend; especially with old dying product lines. A BK first will make it seamless as you can sell off all the products and flush the people, the pensions, and all the other muck down the sink.
Boy the CEO and Chairman really failed this company and WP. Why is it so hard to get new products to the market. What was the last product released in Pharma and Vision Care?
It is the same mid-management as they have had for years. Without hiring new mid-managers expect more of the same until the end.