Wah wah wan. My manager's too mean. Forest churns and Burns reps. I'm going to tell you all, I'm a 6 year veteran here, believe it or not fairly new to this website. I'm shocked by the amount of complaining and whining about how bad you have it. Lets recap here, you have a free car, free gas, free car insurance, free meals, a flexible work schedule. Who gives a crap what you are selling its your God damned product you are paid to market and sell. You could be selling hot dogs or used cars. Just get it done. I've never made PC or consistently been in top 25%, but I'm close or just inside top 50% and when my DM coaches me I listen. Think about it, all you have to be is slightly above average (top 50%) and you make decent money, and keep your job. What other industry can you just be average and make bonuses? Just don't be a n a-hole and complain about everthing you dont have and focus on what you do have - a pretty easy job most sled people would love to have.