I have worked for Q for over 14 years. I started out as hired gun on CS and worked my way up to executive level. The company I started out working for is dead. The current form is unprofessional, not respected in the industry, and incompetent. I have left the company for "greener pastures". When I look back at all the broken promises from DY and DG, I am sorry I stayed so long. Current Q could not land a serious contract even if there was no other players making bids. Take some free advice- unless you are in the "inner circle boys club" you have no hope for a solid career or lengthy contract. I would like to quote Kirk Harmon- VP, Business Unit Head Quintiles " I don't worry about contracts or gaps. I have been at the executive level for 20 years. I never have a qap in my job" If this is the only job you can get- take but keep on looking. All the greats have left the company and all you have left is the meat grinder for the college kids.