Quintiles-past is prologue


I have worked for Q for over 14 years. I started out as hired gun on CS and worked my way up to executive level. The company I started out working for is dead. The current form is unprofessional, not respected in the industry, and incompetent. I have left the company for "greener pastures". When I look back at all the broken promises from DY and DG, I am sorry I stayed so long. Current Q could not land a serious contract even if there was no other players making bids. Take some free advice- unless you are in the "inner circle boys club" you have no hope for a solid career or lengthy contract. I would like to quote Kirk Harmon- VP, Business Unit Head Quintiles " I don't worry about contracts or gaps. I have been at the executive level for 20 years. I never have a qap in my job" If this is the only job you can get- take but keep on looking. All the greats have left the company and all you have left is the meat grinder for the college kids.

Not sure I think OP is credible, but the gist seems real.

Contract work is better than unemployment. It is far inferior to a "real job."

Contractors are all but guaranteed to have to apply for a new job (new contract) long before their cousins working in a "permanent" job, even in this industry at this juncture. Contractors get to study for new drugs, take more compliance tests, figure out new computer systems, and all the other detritus of a new workplace on a regular basis.

Anyone employed in contract is either actively looking for a "permanent" job or is crazy. As long as contract organizations structure their business on the current model (which sucks) this won't change.

Contract work used to be a great way to break into a booming industry. Now it's a way to cling to a sick dinosaur.

Not sure I think OP is credible, but the gist seems real.

Contract work is better than unemployment. It is far inferior to a "real job."

Contractors are all but guaranteed to have to apply for a new job (new contract) long before their cousins working in a "permanent" job, even in this industry at this juncture. Contractors get to study for new drugs, take more compliance tests, figure out new computer systems, and all the other detritus of a new workplace on a regular basis.

Anyone employed in contract is either actively looking for a "permanent" job or is crazy. As long as contract organizations structure their business on the current model (which sucks) this won't change.

Contract work used to be a great way to break into a booming industry. Now it's a way to cling to a sick dinosaur.

All that you say is true. Sadly, if you are not as "young" as you once were, you have even less of a shot at a "permanent" position with other companies. Contract is almost the only way to secure a position that pays the bills if this has been your career all along.

All that you say is true. Sadly, if you are not as "young" as you once were, you have even less of a shot at a "permanent" position with other companies. Contract is almost the only way to secure a position that pays the bills if this has been your career all along.

You're right, of course.

If you're much over 40-45, the odds of landing a "real" job drop precipitously. If you're over 50, the odds drop to pretty much zero.

I've been doing this basically for 25 years, with plenty of success along the way, but experience informs me that this industry is a dead end for me. I'm sick of the pathological dishonesty that the youtube "Charles Charles" series so accurately satirizes. I can live on a fraction of what I earn...and will soon turn my back on this sad-sack industry.

Anyone in this industry who is not actively preparing for "premature, unintended" retirement is a fool. Those who retire, by their own choice, with the gold watch, the pension, the retiree medical care, etc., are going to be like lottery winners...with similar odds of striking gold.

I totally agree. I was also employeed as a representative, worked my way up the ranks and into management for 13 years. I was employeed in management for the last 10 years. DG and DY told some big stories. Now, I have applied for projects, made calls with my contacts, and nothing ever comes of it. No one returns my calls any more. I spoke with a former manager who worked with, and he can't even get back on. One recent manager who had contact with JC, even said that Quintiles is probably like the #4 CRO sales company our there. With Touchpoint (Publicis), inVentiv and PDI apparently getting majority of contracts, is Quintiles now dead?

We are on the same page with our observations with Q. If you don't have hx with Q you don't all the broken promises. 10 years ago Q was tops. Now Q is on the bottom. One reason that Q can't call the shots with contracted companys is Q is hard up for business. They have no hand. One reason prior DSM cant pull their old teams back. If this is all you can get take it but keep looking for real employment. I mean this 100% the grass is greener in over sales fields. Q corp has no cred. They will lie to your face.

I left Q and now work for PDI and quite frankly I would rather be unemployed than work for PDI. My experience has been beyond horrible.

My contract ended with Q, then I worked for Publicis. I have the same sentiment as this person. Rather be unemployed than work for Publicis again. Maybe it's the contract, though.

Every contract is different. I have worked for two contract companies, and both were reasonable experiences with decent managers. Unfortunately, you really are a red-headed stepchild working for contract, but it pays the bills.

This is my second contract experience...worked for an industry giant for 6 years until
massive layoff 2010. Broke into the industry with Ventiv (at the time), and rolled over within 6 months to another industry giant. The contracts that Quintiles now gets are ridiculous, at best! If you have to have a job do it...look for something else ASAP!