Quintiles jobs?


I've seen tons of jobs for Quintiles posted in the southeast/midwest regions the past few months. I've seen they have both animal health jobs as well as human pharma jobs. I don't know much about the company. Does anyone out there know much about them or maybe has worked for them? If so, how is the company to work for? Salary? Thanks for any information!

These are usually contract positions, fixed terms of 1-2 years working as a contract sales force for another company. These kind of jobs used to be a real resume killer but not in this market!

With large companies laying off and not knowing what the future brings a la health care reform, the contract sales teams are back in force. As to posting jobs that don't exist, I've not seen that with Quintiles and the ones I see right now are for a contract team being hired for short term promotional plans for the company I work for.

quintiles employee.
We will always post openings for upcoming contracts whether they have been signed or not. This way when they are signed we are ready to go. Many times they are not and you are just left hanging. You will work just as hard as any pharma rep but in many cases report to two DM's. Depending on the contract, it can be a good gig or really suck. This is not the place to go if you have a job. We will lure you with a roller over and it will never happen.