Quintiles... can you tell AT&T to stop billing me


Hey idiots... those that had AT&T data services and set up automatic billing to their credit cards are still getting charged each month $30..... AT&T can't cancel without specific serial numbers for the ipads. Can you knuckle heads provide the needed information to AT&T??

Hey idiots... those that had AT&T data services and set up automatic billing to their credit cards are still getting charged each month $30..... AT&T can't cancel without specific serial numbers for the ipads. Can you knuckle heads provide the needed information to AT&T??

It was recommend on CP to take care of that at the time we were downsized. If you have a copy of a previous emailed receipt it will have the units phone number. that should be enough to get it deactivated.

You losers need to get out of sales if you couldn't sell Vascepa vs. Lovaza. Why would a doc prescribe a drug (L) that's going to increase LDL if their goal is to improve the patient's lipid profile?

Has the pharmaceutical industry finally reached the point where sales reps should be addressed as Willy Loman?

A new study suggests the time might be near – 67 percent of physicians say digital media is their preferred source of information from drugmakers, 40 percent believe digital media has the most relevant and personalized content, and 52 percent believe sales reps will eventually become information coordinators. Only 20 percent say reps are their favorite source of information.

Meanwhile, more health care providers are shifting toward larger, organized health systems, which make it more difficult for reps to reach physicians for visits. In fact, 64 percent of those surveyed say they restrict rep visits and 31 percent of physicians in organized health systems do not allow reps any access, although 80 percent in this group are prevented from seeing reps due to corporate policies.

Newer physicians are more likely to rebuff reps – as many as 80 percent impose restrictions. And interestingly, 90 percent of new physicians are joining organized health systems right out of medical school. And about half of those surveyed work for such entities, according to the survey of nearly 3,000 physicians CapGemini and QuantiaMD, which provide consulting services to physicians and drugmakers.

“While the more traditional face-to-face, in-office visits might decrease, the role of these representatives is projected to be as important as ever. Moving forward, they will need them to be the directors of multiple information sources, customizing their outreach so it is more personalized and physician-centric," says Hala Qanadilo, a principal in life sciences at Capgemini, in a statement.

When it comes to receiving clinical and medical info, reps rank last as a resource behind print, digital media and phone links. But reps slightly edge out the other three resources when it comes to finding product info and patient education.

Sorry you never landed that pharma job..... I know it hurts... get some therapy because being bitter and resentful for the rest of your life will just eat you up. I care about you.....