Quiet Normal week in wisconsin


Its been a normal week in wisconsin without our loudmouth know it all manager gone to meetings. Cant we just have our old manager back please J.S . I dont know what you see in that girl but i can assure you that whatever it is you are the only one that sees it because the rest of the team is still in awe how a selection this misguided could have been made. Why dont you carry out a survey of the whole team about how we feel about S.R and you will see that she is about as popular as the pope in afghanistan.

As usual our only voice which is this lousy website will be removed as soon as you see this posting so keep on removing and we will keep writing till she gets what she deserves. The job she has done or should i say not done as of right now, my monkey can match everything she has done and possibly even do better because my monkey knows when to shut up.

Wisconsin deserves better So do we.