Quidel Diagnostics Contract HELP!

Interviewing for a spot on this contract.
Please tell me about how Thyretnin is viewed in the market.
What is the good bad and ugly on this contract?


I know nothing about the contract itself, but the test is called THYRETAIN.


Grave's Disease is prevalent in about 1.12% of the US population.

The following was taken from the Q2 2010 Earnings report:

One of the key near-term initiatives is to grow physician orders of Thyretain. Thyretain is our brand name for TSI, Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin the presence of which is indicative of Grave’s Disease. Revenues for the product increased by 18% in the second quarter. To accelerate the growth of this product we began our focused sales efforts on primary care physicians in early May. In addition to directing our POL to spend a significant amount of it's time on Thyretain activities, we engaged to contract sales organization to augment those sales activities beginning in the third quarter. It's early but we believe we’re on the right track and that the investment in the CSO is warranted and the data support this.

On comparing the first four weeks of the dedicated Thyretain efforts against the second four weeks of that same dedicated selling we noted total calls numbers increased 11.5% from about 1300 calls to 1500. The ability to actually see the physician was up over three-fold from about 160 calls to about 500. The perception that a physician would begin ordering Thyretain as raised by the sales rep increased 55% from a 6.6% success rate per call to just over 10%.

The Q4 2010 Earnings Conference Call is tomorrow afternoon so perhaps they will release some more specifics about how it is doing in the market.


Good luck! Hopefully somebody else has more information on the position.