Quick! Invest in Disaster stocks!


Does anybody have any idea what companies are involved with Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) or other potential investments? Not that I want to be morbid, but this thing could explode. We all know that the stock market surges and withdraws in response to world events. With all of the events in Japan, this huge reminder about preparedness is going to result in a giant increase in sales of emergency supplies, water filtration, food storage, etc. We just need to figure out what companies are going to kick their sales into high gear. Regular food corporations like Hormel, Tyson, and Smithfield foods don't appear to be in the disaster food business -- they're only in the grocery food business. Oregon Freeze Dry is the biggest producer of storable food in the country (FEMA bought $1 billion of food from them), but is a privately held company. Does anybody know about companies that are publicly traded that are in a position to succeed in these ever-changing times?

Does anybody have any idea what companies are involved with Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) or other potential investments? Not that I want to be morbid, but this thing could explode. We all know that the stock market surges and withdraws in response to world events. With all of the events in Japan, this huge reminder about preparedness is going to result in a giant increase in sales of emergency supplies, water filtration, food storage, etc. We just need to figure out what companies are going to kick their sales into high gear. Regular food corporations like Hormel, Tyson, and Smithfield foods don't appear to be in the disaster food business -- they're only in the grocery food business. Oregon Freeze Dry is the biggest producer of storable food in the country (FEMA bought $1 billion of food from them), but is a privately held company. Does anybody know about companies that are publicly traded that are in a position to succeed in these ever-changing times?

why do you assume the world's future uncertainty is not already reflected in the current stock price of "calamity" stocks?